Sing Tao Daily News Agency U.S. President Trump hunted a killing order and killed Iranian high -level general Sulemanni at the Iraqi airport. The world was worried that the US -Iraq war broke out at any time.At this critical juncture, if you want to reduce the opportunity to start war, only Britain, France and Germany can act as old -fashioned, and the movement is fast and urgent.

Due to the rapid deterioration of the killing incident in the Middle East, the war was densely clouded. The Iraqi Parliament demanded that the U.S. military to withdraw from the country.Iran has stated that he no longer complies with the nuclear agreement and hangs out the red flag symbolizing avenge in the Holy City Cam.Cultural facilities.If Trump attacked Iranian cultural heritage, he not only acts brutal, but also crimes of war.

Only British France and Germany lobby on both sides

Trump's reckless words and deeds are not only harmful to the security of the U.S. military and nationals in the Middle East, but the United States also needs to improve the alert and worry about Iran's direct revenge.Anti -war demonstrations have appeared in many cities in the United States. President Perosi, President of the House of Representatives, announced that he would use war power resolutions to restrict Trump's military operations on Iraq.The behavior of the division also reflects the dissatisfaction of the American people against Trump.

To reduce the opportunity of the outbreak of the US -Ichigraphy, there must be an old involvement as soon as possible. At present, only the European Union, especially the three major European countries, Britain, France and Germany.When the United States and Iran reached an Iranian nuclear agreement at the end of 2013, both Britain, France, Germany, China and Russia have participated, but China and Russia can influence Iran but cannot affect the United States.German Chancellor Merkel, French President Macron and British Prime Minister Johnson have urgently called on the phone and agreed to cooperate to cool down the situation in the Middle East to avoid the outbreak of war.

Britain, France and Germany expressed their support for the killing incident, and called on Io to restrain. Of course, Iran was dissatisfied.In fact, Britain, France, and Germany were very dissatisfied with Trump unilaterally tore up the Iranian nuclear agreement and re -sanction Iran. This obviously damaged the interests of the EU. Therefore, he built another transaction system with Iran and bypassed the US sanctions.Economic and people's livelihood leaves a way of life, which is also the capital that Britain, France and Germany can still be trusted by Iran.

Slow reduction of Iran's anger must give sweetness

In addition, once the war broke out, the geopolitical in the Middle East would deteriorate, and the adjacent Europe must be the first to be the brunt. The war and refugee issues will impact the European countries. Therefore, regardless of the global peace or European interests, Britain, France, and Germany must try to prevent the US and Iei war.

In this regard, British, French and German operations are the first to be fast because Iran revenge with Trump's revenge. Once the two sides have killed red eyes, they will not listen to the old words; the second must give Iran's sweetness.Iran's nuclear negotiations and persuaded Trump to suspend sanctions on Iran, or at least stated that he would consider withdrawal of sanctions to create conditions for the United States and Iraq to ease the opposition.

If Britain, France and Germany cannot do this, it will be difficult to reduce Iran's anger.As for whether Trump is willing to give up, the key involves whether he wants to use toughness against Iran, and even at the expense of war, as a means of re -election this year.If so, the global peace and financial market will be sacrificed for his elections.