Source: Taiwan World Daily

After the contradictions between the United States and Iran, some observers analyzed that the Trump administration's trapped in the Middle East will have no time to implement its Indo -Pacific strategy, thereby allowing China to relieve stress. For the efforts of the United States for competition in the United States and ChinaPerformance; however, some analysts believe that the incident has limited impact on the current Sino -US trade negotiations.In addition, some people in China said that if the United States is fighting, China will win the development opportunities for five to ten years.

The Voice of America quoted Japanese diplomats in Japan that the death of the Iranian Sacred City Brigade Instructor Suleimani caused the outside world to pay attention to whether the Trump administration would move from the competition in Asia, the United States, to the Middle EastEssence

The article says how to balance the interests of the United States in the Middle East and Asia -Pacific interests is the dilemma that the American President of the United States has faced since President Bush.

Many Chinese commentators believe that because the United States was involved in the two wars of Iraq and Afghanistan before, China has won ten years of gold development.

A signature article on the 3rd of the Indian Stan Times said that the Iranian issue may cause the Trump administration's freedom and open India -Pacific strategy to be implemented, leaving space for China and alleviating China's pressure.

China is hoping to avoid military competition with the United States in Asia.

Benjamin Friedman, the policy director of Defense Prioroties, said in an interview with the United States that if the United States is further caught in the Middle East, it is indeed beneficial to China.

He said: From a China perspective, in a sense, China wants to avoid military competition with the United States in Asia.If the United States allows itself to further fall into the quagmire of the Middle East, it will not be able to really shift to the Trump administration's hope to compete and compete with China.I think in this sense, this has made China see a mild hope.

Bonnie Glaser, the head of the China Power Project of the US Think Tank Strategy and International Research Center, said in an email responding to the VOA that if the United States and Iran are in war, it must be a time for the United States for competition in the United States and China.Heavy blow.

According to reports, some netizens have asked in Chinese social media: Benrandon has gone us for a favorable opportunity for ten years of peaceful development, and then the Arab world has given us for ten years. Then this time the United States and Iran do to work with Iran.Can you create another ten -year peaceful development period for China?Will it be more beneficial to China from this perspective?

Jin Canrong, deputy dean of the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with the media that although China should be based on policies and strategies, it should be based on its own policies and strategies. However, China should also seize China.

The impact on the US -China trade negotiations is quite limited

Some observers are worried that if the United States launches a war against Iran, Iran will push Iran to China, and the latter has accounted for nearly one -third of Iran's energy trade.

However, a CNBC article says that the death of Sulemani's death on US -China relations and even the current trade negotiations are quite limited.The article quotes Iranian experts of the Iranian Institute of Institute of International Economics, Adnn Mazarei at the Iranian expert at the Institute of International Economics of the US Think Tank; ADnan Mazarei said that although China has close relations with Iran, it will still treat the United States as its major trading partner.

Mazre, former deputy director of the Middle and East East of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), also said that none of these three countries (the United States, China, and Iraqi) will not change the trade policy overnight.