Author: Lin Baochun

The green committee Lin Jingyi's remarks about the unity and the rebels caused a great uproar. As the legislators, she was also the director of the DPP International Affairs Department, and was also a spokesman for Cai office.The opinion is waiting for it. In fact, her point of view is enough to represent the real claims of the DPP under the appearance of many covers and dodge, and that is -based on the guise of the Republic of China as a transition to promote the ideal of Taiwan and independence in the future.

Lin Jingyi's statement, not only setting up the Constitution of the Republic of China, but also the purpose of the unity of the unity, but also wanted to replace and change the constitution with the standpoint of Taiwan independence to establish the claim of Taiwan independence.The unity under the protection of the Constitution has made every effort to restrain it, and even implies scary scales for serious crimes.The anti -guests are mainly, and the beggar rushing to the temple is still in accordance with the temple public invasion. Is there a more domineering and autocracy than this in the world?

This is obviously not a problem of inaccurate terms. No matter how Lin Jingyi decorates sophistry, it cannot cover up the fact that his heart has already abandoned the Republic of China as a lot.For a long time, the Democratic Progressive Party was listed in the name of the Republic of China and twisted. This time, it really couldn't help telling the truth, and the original shape was revealed.In their opinion, unity is sin, and sin must be punished with the most severe criminal responsibility. The prostitutes are so easily reminiscent of the words of the disaster of ancient copies of the family.It is equivalent to officially announced that the freedom of speech should be used to use the ax and ax?

Writing prison is a cool and evil method in ancient times. The Democratic Progressive Party is best at this set. The reason why the word is unified is a ban on the ban.Who will be unified?How to unify?Does Lin Jingyi say clearly?Does the DPP explain clearly?In the words that are unknown and unknown, they want to get trapped in a felony. Such a political party dares to make progress?

Probably felt the huge pressure of public opinion, and Cai Yingwen had to clarify.It is ridiculous that it has been clarified for a long time, but it is the most ambiguous words of the Republic of China in Taiwan, and then emphasize how she is different from the past white horror, which can tolerate different claims and political opinions.

Regardless of whether the Republic of China in Tsai Ing -wen's mouth is the same as what she thinks, but the so -called is not a word. From the perspective of the recent adverse osmosis method and the aid of the social dimension,trick.The most ridiculous thing is that Lin Jingyi, who dares to dare to be so dare to add 2 characters of the rebels and see the people, has no condemnation or apologizing to the people, and only brings it with misunderstandings with misunderstandings.What is the furry of the country 2, how can it be so small and small?

Democracy and freedom must ensure the freedom of the people from fear, otherwise it is a regression.Is our democracy really improved?The ridiculous unity of rebellion is enough to verify.

(The author is a professor at National Taiwan Normal University)