Wei Jianguo, former deputy minister of the Ministry of Commerce and deputy director of the China International Economic Exchange Center, stated in Beijing on the 24th that in 2020, China's attracting foreign investment may reach 140 billion to 150 billion US dollars (S $ 203.336 billion)The first one.

According to China News Agency, Wei Jianguo made the above prediction at the 2019 meeting of the forum.

He believes that, thanks to the formal implementation of the foreign investment law next year, the continuous improvement of China's business environment, the development of regional integration, and the reorganization of the global production factors, China will continue to attract multinational company investment next year.

First of all, China will implement a new foreign investment law on January 1 next year.Secondly, according to a report released by the World Bank, the global ranking of China's business environment this year has increased from 46 to 31.Wei Jianguo believes that as long as the policy is proper and shortcomings, China's business environment in the next three to five years is expected to be ranked among the top 10 or even the top five in the world.

At the same time, the development of regional economic integration, including the regional comprehensive economic partnership agreement (RCEP), the China -Japan -Korea Free Trade Agreement, will also make the Chinese market more attractive.

Wei Jianguo said that more importantly, with the reorganization of global production factors, the attractiveness of multinational companies with a huge domestic market with 1.4 billion people and a complete industrial chain will be irreplaceable.

Specifically, he believes that next year, China's absorption of foreign investment will present three major characteristics: foreign projects will have the joint efforts of large and medium -sized projects, and the service industry and manufacturing will be driven together.

Official data show that in 2018, China's absorption of foreign capital reached US $ 134.97 billion, a record high.From January to November this year, China's actual use of foreign capital was 124.39 billion US dollars.