Zeng Shi Guangzhou Report

Zhong Tinghui, a senior criminal lawyer in Singapore, believes that the Chinese lawyer industry has developed rapidly, but the level of legal services cannot fully meet social needs.As the Chinese government actively promotes lawyers to go out, Chinese lawyers' service capabilities are expected to continue to improve.

Zhong Tinghui participated in the World Lawyers Conference organized by Guangzhou.The founder of the Singapore Zhong Tinghui Law Firm pointed out in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post yesterday that he started dealing with Chinese lawyers 30 years ago and felt the rapid development of the Chinese lawyer industry, including the number of lawyers and law firms increased significantly.

However, the current level of legal services in China still cannot meet social needs, and the enhancement of lawyers has also been restricted.

Zhong Tinghui believes that as China continues to promote more lawyers to join international exchanges, Chinese lawyers' legal knowledge, professional ethics and other hard skills, as well as soft skills such as the internal management and social responsibility of the lawyers, may be improved.

Talking about the construction of the rule of law in China, Zhong Tinghui pointed out that Chinese social phenomena and social issues are complicated, and the Western system and model cannot be copied. Moreover, the lawyer industry has developed in China for only 40 years. Therefore, it cannot be completely judged by the Western system to judge the construction of China.

He believes that China's rule of law construction and reform and opening up are also crossing the river by touching stones, and there are indeed many weak links in the middle. These problems need to be continuously improved and run in the development process.

The one -and -a -half -day World Lawyer Conference opened yesterday. It was the first time that China held a world -class lawyer exchange event and was regarded as a sign for Chinese lawyers to go to the international stage.

The theme of this conference is scientific and technological progress and legal services. A total of six sub -forum issues have been established, including the Belt and Road Initiative and legal services, scientific and technological development and legal services, cross -border investment and mergers and acquisitions, international trade and compliance, international commercial dispute resolution, lawyers of lawyers, lawyersPublic welfare legal services and social responsibilities.About 800 government officials from 57 countries, representatives and guest representatives and guests in the lawyers participated in the conference.

Minister of Justice: Chinese lawyers have become important participants in the global legal community

Chinese Minister of Justice Fu Zhenghua also pointed out at the opening ceremony yesterday that the Chinese lawyer system has resumed reconstruction for 40 years, and Chinese lawyers have actively followed the general trend of global exchanges and cooperation, strode towards the world stage, actively expand the international legal service market, and serve the development of international economic and trade.Important participants, promoters and contributors of the global legal service industry.

Zhou Yuansheng, director of the Lawyers of the Ministry of Justice, previously pointed out at a press conference that Chinese law firms have set up branches in more than 30 countries and regions in the world. Chinese lawyers handle more than 100,000 legal affairs every year.

However, on the eve of this World Lawyer Conference, an international lawyer group and individuals protested, and once again expressed their attention to the suppression of Chinese rights protection lawyers.