
Ji Yan Chunqiu

On November 15, local time, the Swedish Pen Society awarded Guimin Hai, a Chinese Hong Kong bookman in Stockholm. The Swedish Cultural Ministers also attended the awards ceremony on the same day, triggering strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition in China.Gui Minhai, the owner of Causeway Bay Bookstore, who has received the attention of all parties, has become a hot figure.

According to the official website of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, before the Swedish Pen's awards to Guiminhai, the Chinese ambassador to Sweden, Gui Congyou, told the Swedish media that Gui Minhai's book was full of lies and completely lacking the factual basis.China has resolutely opposed the Swedish Written Association to award a prize and a lieman. China is even more opposed to any Swedish government officials attending the awards ceremony.EssenceSome Swedes should not expect to be at ease after hurting the feelings and interests of the Chinese people.

When asked what measures China would take, Ambassador Gui Congyou said: What you will see.We asked the Swedish Written Society to explain basic respect for the Chinese and 1.4 billion Chinese people, and stopped making mistakes before it was too late.Let's look at it.

However, the Swedish side obviously did not take care of the Chinese opposition. Not only did it award award to Guiminhai, but the Minister of Culture also came to the awards ceremony to encourage freedom of speech.

The Chinese embassy in Sweden immediately issued a strict statement that Gui Minhai was a criminal who had severely crimes in China and Sweden.Awards to such a criminal is a complete political farce, which is inciting crimes and shelter.This is also a rough interference in Chinese judicial sovereignty.

The statement also said that as Chinese proverb says, good and good news, evil and evil.The serious errors of Ruifang have undoubtedly caused serious difficulties in normal friendly exchanges and cooperation between China and Swiss.No country, organization, or individual should not expect 1.4 billion Chinese people to swallow the bitter fruits that harm the national interests and dignity of China.

The 55 -year -old Gui Minhai was originally born in Ningbo, Zhejiang, graduated from Peking University, and obtained Swedish nationality in 1996.In 2012, Gui Minhai and others set up Hong Kong Giantli Media Co., Ltd. to engage in book writing and distribution. The targets of sales were mainland Chinese people.Chinese official media believe that Gui Minhai's books have created a lot of rumors and have a bad impact on society.

In October 2015, Guiminhai, which opened a bookstore in Causeway Bay, Hong Kong, lost contact.As Guiminhai's bookstores sold various political ban in mainland China, his missing incidents were fried.Some Hong Kong media said that Gui Minhai was taken away by the mainland law enforcement officers from Hong Kong. It believes that this move hurts Hong Kong's judicial system and one country and two systems, threatening the remarks and personal freedom of Hong Kong people.

On January 17, 2016, Xinhua News Agency issued a document to disclose Gui Minhai's whereabouts, saying that Gui Minhai killed a girl in Ningbo in 2003 and was sentenced to two years of probation, but sneaked during the probation period.Voluntary returning to China to serve his prison.

In October 2017, Guiminhai's traffic accident was released.However, he was still accused of suspected illegal business activities and could not leave the country.On January 20, 2018, Gui Minhai was escorted by two Swedish diplomats to the Embassy in Beijing from Ningbo to the Swedish Embassy in China, but was arrested by public security personnel on the way.

Ningbo City Public Security Organs said that Gui Minhai was detained because of illegal and criminal activities that were suspected of providing national secrets and intelligence abroad to provide national secrets and intelligence and endangering national security.

Gui Minhai was once again detained and attracted great attention from overseas media.At that time, the Swedish Foreign Minister issued a statement saying that Gui Minhai continued to be seriously detained and asked the Chinese side to let people immediately release people, while the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs emphasized that China was acting in accordance with the law.

On February 2, 2018, the International Publisher Association awarded Guiminhai's 2018 Voltaire Award.The association said that although Gui Minhai knew the risks he had, he continued to publish bravely.

On February 9, 2018, Guiminhai, who was detained at the Ningbo Detention Center, met with many media reporters at home and abroad under the official arrangement.He said he wanted to live a peaceful life in China, and also hoped that his family lived a good life, and he would not be used by anyone.If they (the Swedish government) continue to use my business to talk about things, I might consider giving up Swedish nationality.

However, it is not clear that Gui Minhai will accuse how long to serve national security.To be sure, this time the Swedish high -profile award for Guiminhai will bring a new impact to the relationship between China and Sweden. The saliva battle between China and Western countries will continue.