Industrial and Commercial Times Society

At the end of October, the Chilean government announced that the In November of the Asia -Pacific Economic Union (APEC) and the International Climate Summit in December, the former affected Trump and ...The government is willing to take over the 25th Conference of the COPs (COP 25) for the 25th Convention of the Climate Change Convention.As the rippling of the waves, it is curious that why rare special conditions for the temporary suspension of the host country to suspend.

In fact, the Climate Summit hosted by Chile from December 2nd to 13th has been elected at the end of October 2018 and the right President Bosonaro, known as the Brazilian Trump, said in January 2019. Do not handle it.After the conference related to the warmth of the earth and climate change, the Chilean government was temporarily connected.Compared with the current economic situation of other South American countries, Chile President Sebastian Pinera announced at the end of October that the APEC Summit in November and the International Climate Summit of the next month made the international community.After the autocracy of General Pinocuku from 1973 to 1990, since 1990, except for the current president of the president of the president from 2010 to 2014, Chile, which has been governed by the middle left party for a long time.The degree of economic development belongs to the previous class of Central South America.Nowadays, because of the price increase of the capital's subway fares, from street conflicts to large -scale anti -government struggles that detonate large -scale, it is because of social inequality, which is indeed puzzling.

According to the Chilean national archives of the State Trade Bureau of the Ministry of Economic Affairs, the average income of the people in 2017 was $ 15,000, an unemployment rate of 6.4%, and a economic growth rate of 1.5%. The average growth rate of 2015-2017 was 1.8%.OECD's economic outlook published in May 2019. At that time, it was estimated that from 2018 to 2020, it increased by 4%, 3.4%, and 3.3%, respectively.However, in the 2018 economic outlook, OECD suggested that the Chilean government should reduce its dependence on natural resources (such as copper exporting to mainland China).

The president who was elected and currently in the middle of 2018, the policy as the left government that was different from the long -term governance in the past, detonating the fuse of the anti -government protests, because it is not the salary of the workers, but the capital of the capital at the peak time.fare.

The root cause of its roots, because the streets are struggling and even entered an emergency political situation, after the government dispatched the military police to suppress, Chile President Pinela publicly apologized on October 22, and the cabinet was greatly reorganized on the 28th. There was no way to restore it.situation.Faced with the phenomenon of social inequality caused by long -term uneven development, the remedial plan proposed is to increase social welfare measures to increase minimum wages and pensions.

When the problem of unevenness of the rich and the poor has become a common phenomenon that governments must face; however, it is worth pondering that Chile, which is governed by the middle left party in the middle, has serious problems in the poor and poor?

In response to the planned economic system of the Soviet Union and the Communist Party of China, Milton Friedman, the Nobel Prize winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics in 1976, said in 1980: a society that believes that equality (result equality) is more important than freedom.Equality and freedom are empty.In this regard, economists may have been concluded by economists.

Due to equal treatment and the deserved treatment, how to regulate macro -control with economic development is almost an impossible task for all governments.The most important reason is that social welfare measures and expenditures are easy to release and difficult to collect.

And if you do not according to your personal achievements (contributions), but all the resources of the country are allocated according to personal needs, to enhance the equality of the people's economic and social conditions, the fair society that the general people desire to pursue areBecome a general problem that the governments are generally unsolved.

In the early days of the early October of the Chilean government, facing the younger generation protesting the price increase of subway votes, it did not recognize that the conflict was an unpredictable situation, and there was a deeper and deeper social factors.Because the political theory of socialism attaches special attention to the equality of conditions, as a result, when the gap between the rich and the poor has expanded into a universal phenomenon, the current desire of the people of socialism on the value of socialism also appears in the United States and European countries.It is surprising.

Chile, a model student in South America, has not improved the unevenness of the rich and the poor with the development of the economic development. In other words, the problem is not that the economic system itself or whether the country's economy has begun to decline. The problem is politics. The problem is that the problem isIn allocation.Even if there is no lingering corruption in Europe and the United States, there are serious problems in the absence of unequal rich and poor, and they have become an important demand for elections.

It is worth observing that when the gap between the rich and the poor has expanded, the people's desire for socialist equality will be enhanced, and it will even form a hoped that the left government can perform thunder means to rescue the poor proletarian and young people.Whether it is European and American or developing countries, such an atmosphere is especially prominent in the election process. It is worthy of close attention to people of people in Taiwan.