Author: Lin Taihe

The U.S. Army's Elite Special Forces Delta forces successfully raid the Iraqi Organization (IS) summit Baghdadi on October 26, leading to a discussion in the United States, regions and the world, which can be discussed.

For Trump and the United States, killing Baghdadi is a great victory of the war on terrorism, just like the 2011 Obama successfully sniped Bin Laden.It is mainly possible to get rid of the shadow that had been withdrawn from Syria before, which led to the shadow of violent domestic attack at home and abroad. One of the reasons was that the Iraqi organization may be resurrected.However, this operation is still difficult to transfer Congress to Trump to pressure Ukraine to crack down on political opponents and start the focus of impeachment investigations because Trump has not informed the Speaker of the House of Representatives Pelosi and the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee Xie Anda before Trump.These two democratic parties are the key figures of the Trump impeachment case.

For the Middle East region, the successful raid operation was after the Iraqi Village, the last stronghold in Syria in March 2019, was destroyed by the Kurds Syrian democratic power supported by the United States.Major strike.The March operation on behalf of the national entity, Harry, has been annihilated; this time it means that the head of terrorist organizations who loses land like a funeral family finally suffered a law.

Although the Iranian organization and its leader have become history.However, Iraq and Syria currently have thousands of Iraqi organization soldiers who are engaged in kidnapping and terrorist attacks.The main forces of the Syrian people are currently detained and controlled the Holy Warrior of Twenty -thousand Iraqi Organizations. In the case of day in Syrian and Turkey, they will start the war.A major worry.

For the world, the Fa law of the Iranian organization may be a major blow to its morale in the short term.However, since the end of 2017, the Iranian organization has transferred more power to local branches. This has increased the branch of branch institutions outside the Middle East, especially in Africa and Asia. Like Bin Ladden in 2011, although Bin Laden was sniped, Kaiea was Kai, but KaieDa Organization has opened branches and leaves around the world.

Furthermore, the rise of online technology and community media can be used as an excellent platform to combine the Western Muslim community and extreme religious thoughts without the interaction between the entity between members. This trend will accelerate the terrorist organization and the lone wolfGlobal expansion.From the historical development of the Holy Warrior Movement, the organization itself can overcome the changes in the death of the leader. For example, the Iraqi Kaida leader Zakavavi killed the US air strike in 2006. Its heirs were also annihilated in 2010 and Baghdadi was replaced.In this sense, the end of the terrorist leader will definitely not indicate that the terrorist age has ended.

In the end, regardless of the Iraqi organization or its predecessor Kidda organization, in terms of form, the Sunni Islamic group with different names is essentially an extreme Islamic philosophy of anti -Western and anti -Jewish.More precisely, it is a movement based on ideas.Although the national form of the Iraqi organization has collapsed, its organizational form may be defeated, but the form of its movement may continue for a long time.The key to solving the Iranian organization is not in the war of counter -terrorism, but after good.