Author: Wang Xin

After the Sino -US trade war, after almost two years of tugging negotiations, soybean transactions have become one of the keywords that both sides can't bypasses: the soybean produced by the United States cannot consume it, and the demand for soybeans in China is facing a serious gap.

China's food security issues have been repeatedly mentioned with this topic.Food is related to the people's livelihood, and food security is an important foundation for national security.In recent years, the senior officials of the Communist Party of China have continuously mentioned that they should pay attention to food safety, so that it has not only become a hidden concern for the focus of public opinion in China, but also the focus of the outside world that has always been curious about Mdash; mdash; Is there a food crisis in China?

The proportion of Chinese soybean imports is so high. It is a microcosm of hidden dangers in Chinese food and even Chinese agriculture, which has caused alert to the CCP's senior management.China's 13th Five -Year Plan (2016 to 2010) planning and rural revitalization strategies have clearly proposed the goal of promoting domestic soybean production to achieve expansion, production increase, quality improvement, and green.

However, soybeans are not the only issue of Chinese food. With the development of China's economy and the solution of the food and clothing problem, the structural contradictions of China's grain production have become a problem that must be resolved.During the 2017 National Two Sessions before the outbreak of the Sino -U.S.Supply side.

At the meeting of the CPC Shenzhen Reform Commission on September 9 this year (2019), Zhongnanhai (State Government Office) has reviewed and approved a guidance on implementing important agricultural product protection strategies, saying that China's grain safety will increase the total supply and total supply.In addition to improving the quality of supply, the supply structure will also be implemented.This is also a few months since the second month, the second time the food safety has become the serious issue of the CCP's highest reform agency.A meeting of the Communist Party of China in May this year also mentioned that food safety is required at a higher level.In July of this year, the State Council of the Chinese State Council also arranged a nationwide reserve grain depot to investigate.

In fact, ... After becoming the general secretary of the Communist Party of China at the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, he repeatedly emphasized that his rice bowls have been put on their own food and food safety when they inspected the local inspection.For example, in November 2013, ... I went to Shandong deliberately to conduct a survey with agriculture as the main content. At that time, he once again expressed concerns about food safety in public.You ca n’t relax hellip; hellip; Once the famine occurs, it is useless to have money.To solve the problem of dinner 1.3 billion people, we must adhere to the country.

However, as mentioned earlier, as the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China was judged in March 2017, at present, the main contradictions in Chinese agriculture have changed from the insufficient amount to structural contradictions.How to resolve this new contradiction?It is estimated that many people will say that MDASH; mdash; to break the economic model of small farmers in rural areas in China and achieve large -scale agriculture.This is a complex question that is easy to find answers, but it involves multiple aspects.

To achieve large -scale agriculture, the conditions must be possessed are mechanized production, large -scale coordinating planting, and the transfer of rural labor.With the development of China's economy and technology, the technical conditions of mechanized production are basically available, but the land transfer (the premise of achieving large -scale coordination) and the transfer of rural population are a macro issue involving the top national and huge social transformation.

After the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese government's vigorously promoted rural land transfer and urbanization construction was to achieve the forward -looking preparations for the large -scale agricultural production in China.After many meetings of the Central Committee, ... August 26 this year issued the chairman No. 32, announcing the newly revised Land Management Law of the People's Republic of China and the Urban Real Estate Management Law of the People's Republic of China on January 1, 2020Implement.The amendments to these two bills have cleared the final legal obstacles to the entrance of rural collective land, and hundreds of trillion US dollars of land wealth will be released and allocated.

The construction of urbanization in China is also actively promoting.Data show that in 1978, the urban population in China was more than 170 million, the rural population was 790 million, and the rural population accounted for 82%.The proportion of rural population is about 40%.Even so, with the total population of nearly 1.4 billion people in China in 2018, the Chinese rural population still has more than 560 million people. If the agricultural land is soon reduced by large -scale agriculture, the population required for agricultural arable land will be reduced several degrees, and it will not even reach the original.10%of the population.So what do you do with the remaining labor force in the countryside?This is a headache for the government of any country.

Because China's long -term urban and rural dual household registration system and uneven distribution of interests, the urban -rural difference is not only the huge difference in economic income, but also in the end to determine the opportunity to be educated by the employment skills of the population.Many have not been educated well (the Chinese government promoted nine -year compulsory education across the country in 1986. Before that, a large number of school -age children in rural China did not complete the basic nine -year education.The proportion of compulsory education is also lower than the urban population for a long time. Higher education opportunities are still the proportion of rural school -age population lower than cities), especially those who still have labor capabilities and need labor, but because they are unable to be unable to be unable to be able toWith sufficient educational opportunities and the unable to achieve rural population from agricultural employment to industrial employment, how to place a big social problem, especially socialist countries such as China, because of the people's livelihood and poverty alleviation, the agricultural policy has always been the central government. Therefore, the agricultural policy has always been the central government.Important work of high -level cases.

Therefore, the problem of food security in China is by no means a problem that some people understand whether food is enough, but whether it can be competitive and dominant in the global grain market, and even agriculture, rural and farmers.At this point, we can also understand why Zhongnanhai will be published for 16 consecutive years from 2004 to 2019, the Central Document No. 1 with the theme of agriculture, rural areas, rural areas (agriculture, rural, and farmers), emphasizing that the issueThe status of the top priority.