Author: Yang Yi

Source: Yang Yi Kanqiu

After the eleventh holiday, on the first day of the resumption of push, we must start with Mo Lei.

First, Middot, general manager of the Rockets; Middot; Mora made an improper remark from Hong Kong, and I posted the Weibo screenshot here as soon as possible.I believe that many friends have seen it and have been reposted by many friends.

As of yesterday, we have seen the anger of Mori's speech on the different levels of the media, sponsors, social organizations, and government parts, and the actions taken.The sponsor of the Rockets, including Li Ning, Pudong Development Bank, Jiayin Jinke, etc., have officially declared the suspension of cooperation with the Rockets; the CCTV Sports Channel of the Central Radio and Television General Taiwan and the media led by Tencent Sports with the exclusive copyright of the NBA networkIt also declared all exchanges such as the suspension of the Rockets' game broadcast; the Chinese Basketball Association suspended cooperation with the Rockets, and the CBA company canceled the warm -up match between the CBA team and the Development Alliance; the Chinese consulate in Houston expressed strongly to the Rockets.dissatisfied.The attack on Mo Lei's remarks is very high and intensive to take action on the Rockets.

But until yesterday, Mo Lei still did not apologize.He issued two more Twitter to explain. Both were painful and itchy. He appealed that he was just trying to explain a complex event based on some kind of interpretation. He was still trying to justify himself.The official NBA was officially disappointed by the chief communication officer Middot; in the statement issued by Bath yesterday, it only used regrettable, which is a pity, not the extremely disappointment written in Chinese translations.Can deeply understand and share their views on things that are interested in, which has exacerbated the anger and dissatisfaction of the Chinese people.

In this translation, we can even see the cultural collision of NBA American companies and Chinese companies.In fact, this is why Mo Lei does not apologize so far, and I am afraid that he will not apologize; why his boss and the alliance have not fired him like what we expect, or publicly criticized him.This is under the Western values system, they believe that Mo Lei has the freedom to express self -opinion.Whether he is right or wrong, he can express it.This is also late yesterday, the NBA president Adam Middot; Xiao Hua said in an interview in Japan that he still supports Mo Lei's political freedom in this case mdash; mdash; although it does not mean that he supports More's political opinions that the political opinions expressed by More's expressionEssence

But in fact, as I expressed on Weibo, any freedom is not absolute.Americans think they are absolutely free of speech, and they can even attack the president.But in fact, they also have taboos.The racial problem is their red line, otherwise the front boss Stelin will not be eavesdropped because of the phone (not publicly expressed like More), and will be forced to sell the team;He also apologized for this word because he knew it was the red line of American society.In many people, religious issues are also red lines they cannot touch.Like race issues, once you say something wrong, the five thunder bangs, and the robbery is gone.

In other words, Americans know that in their public opinion world, there are also red lines that cannot be touched.But with their long -term thinking habits, they do not know, or do not care, where is the red line that other countries and other nations cannot touch.Although there have been so many exchanges in the field of sports and business, they do not really understand Chinese society and do not really understand the emotions of the Chinese people. The Chinese people have the sacred sense of the country and their belief in territorial sovereignty.Mo Lei's vague explanation was actually defending his so -called freedom, not what he expressed.Although the Rockets and the NBA officials are also aware of the seriousness of the situation, due to US laws and overall ideology MDash; mdash; if they are speculated due to remarks, the parties can initiate a lawsuit and receive huge compensation.Mandatory punishment is the predicament of the U.S. handling the More incident.

In addition to the ignorance of Mo Lei, the extension and development direction of the Mo Lei incident eventually showed the high walls of the entire East and West in value orientation and cultural consciousness, which is far more difficult than the Internet turning over the wall.Some things, from far away, can accept same -survival differences.But in principle, there is no room for discussing.The NBA is the best international development in the four major sports alliances in the United States. They have been trying to set up bridges to the Far East for nearly 30 years to open the Chinese market.If they want to embrace the Chinese market, they must truly understand and respect China, respect the emotions and taboos of the Chinese people, and cannot cross China's red line when they make remarks.They must be clear that in major issues that involve the emotions involved in other countries and nations, they need to comply with the same contraindications and cautious attitudes with race and religion, and cannot make mistakes.Let me say it again, this world is not absolutely free.

The new essay of Cai Chongxin, the owner of the new network, yesterday, with his role that spans Chinese and Western, as the level and prestige of the NBA team owner, to MDASH; mdash;The course of suffering, the origin of the emotional formation of the Chinese people, and why are so angry about the separation of territorial separation.This is a good start.It is necessary to let Americans and let the NBA American practitioners and athletes know more about China.Because of the American education system and methods, as well as reporting and interpretation of Western media, many Americans have a lot of unknown and misunderstandings about the world (not just China).Only with more knowledge and communication can we eliminate ignorance and misunderstandings.

From a long -term perspective, NBAMDASH; mdash; Especially in their internationalization process, the corresponding mechanism needs to be established to avoid re -occurrence of similar Mori incidents.Now the NBA's cultural trend is to encourage athletes to express attitudes and opinions, especially in political tendencies.But this should be bounded.You say you, no problem.The NBAs have athletes from all over the world, as well as competitions and events held in countries around the world.It is undeniable that the NBA has made significant contributions to the global development of basketball.But at the same time, each country has its own politics and culture, and each country has its own beliefs and emotions, and you cannot deliberately judge.Maybe you are a very good general manager, your level of actuaries is very high; maybe you are a very good athlete, you can shoot unmanned.But there must be too many things in this world that you don't know and don't understand.Don't talk nonsense.Otherwise, it is not just you who take responsibility, but also the strategic plan and future of the entire NBA.

Of course, this is a long -term angle.Whether or not long -term depends on how they respond.The predicament mentioned earlier is that only Mo Lei resigned a way to open.But after Xiao Hua also publicly stated, the possibility of this operation was almost zero.The fate of the NBA in China is hitting the iceberg.

Just say here.As a worker who participated in sports, loves sports, and eventually lived on sports, the most moved me for sports is always relatively pure and fair.Appreciating the top -level sports competition is an important way in our lives and one of the sources of vitality for young people.I joined the industry in 1999. Wang Zhizheng was selected by the Mavericks that year, and it was 20 years since it came.It is a pity to witness such a situation at this moment.