Source: Wen Wei Po

The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue Association decided to establish a banned regulations in accordance with the emergency law and formally implemented today.Faced with the challenge of the flooding upgrade of violence, the SAR government has the responsibility and the power to cite emergency laws and establish a ban on masses.EssenceForbidden masses regulations are only targeting violence and cracking down on violence. It is not deprived of the freedom of parade rally enjoyed by Hong Kong people in accordance with the law. Europe and the United States have long been implemented. Hong Kong people are eager to restore the law as soon as possible.Smooth to ensure social tranquility with the law, rebuild prosperity and stability, and live in peace and career.

Anti -repair violence lasted for nearly four months. The thugs used masks to cover up, unscrupulously destroying, arson, and attacking violence such as police and citizens without differences. Hong Kong's rule of law and governance was almost out of control.Public opinion strongly appealed that the Chief Executive and the SAR Government should take all necessary legal measures to combat violence and stop crimes. Citing the emergency law for the establishment of banning masses is one of the most public support.The implementation of the banned masked regulations, demonstrators must show people with true colors, and offenders can no longer easily evade legal sanctions. They will be scared, and it will also help the police to ride the offenders to the law, and believe that illegal violence will converge.

The ban on masses is not a new thing created by Hong Kong, nor is it a severe law in the intersection of the vertical and anti -China -China politicians, but in accordance with the legal practice of "international standards".France, Canada, Germany, Russia, Austria, Denmark, and Spain have already formulated similar laws to prohibit demonstrators from being masked during the assembly parade; the United States and Sweden also have some states to have forbidden masses.Western countries generally implement the ban on masses, because they are deeply disgusted with masked crimes that they need to take legal means to prevent and punish them.The reason why the SAR Government uses emergency laws and forms of banned masked regulations is precisely because the atrocities of masked mobs have been exacerbated, and the SAR government has to take a lot of means to prevent violence from pushing Hong Kong to the abyss of all calamities.

Hong Kong is a social rule of law, including the administration of the SAR Government, and any behavior must work in accordance with the law.The emergency law originally stipulated that when the Chief Executive, the Chief Executive Conference entered into any regulations that considers public interests in the emergency situation or endangering public security.Today, Hong Kong is the most severe situation since the return.Quoting the laws of more effective laws to combat violence and safeguarding the rule of law is legitimate, reasonable, and urgent to be responsible for maintaining the stability of Hong Kong and ensuring the safety of the lives and property of citizens.

Citing emergency laws and implementation of banned masked regulations will make the thugs pay the price, and it will no longer do whatever they want.The storm questioned the government's use of emergency law to legislate, and immediately adopted judicial review for sniper. It continued to spread the legislative effect to be counterproductive, which would only cause greater complaints, provoking and inciting demonstrators to fight on the streets.The facilities of the iron, government departments, and commercial institutions to vent their dissatisfaction with government emergency legislation and put pressure on the government and police law enforcement.

Obstructing the government to stop violence in accordance with the law, only thugs may not be there. This is unbearable by all the civilized society of rule of law.Hong Kong must not have the ridiculous phenomenon of law and law.Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e also said that this method cannot be guaranteed 100 % (implementation of the ban on masses) can completely stop the violence. I hope that all walks of life in the society will work together to allow the society to restore the order as soon as possible.Continue to use other means to solve the problem.The rule of law in Hong Kong is no longer backward. The central and the general public supports the SAR government to meet the difficulties. The more difficult the situation is, the more the government will get rid of the teeth. Make Black Clothes violently dyed the district council election

The new district council election was held on November 24th. The nomination period began yesterday, and multiple party members registered for the election.As anti -repair violence continues, it is estimated that this district council election is the most difficult and the most risk.The SAR government must do everything possible to ensure that the election is fair, fair, legal, and safe, so that citizens will vote for fear.Voters should think about it carefully: If the storm or people in black enter the district council, the district council will be highly politicized, and it is more likely to be violently blossoming and there is no day. Is this a life that residents want?Can you let the violence in black in the district council election?

In the past four months, there are many conflicts in Hong Kong in the past four months, and riots are everywhere.The establishment of the system has become the target of mob attacks. At least 21 offices of the Democratic Construction Federation have been destroyed, and members and teams have been disturbed many times.At the beginning of the nomination period, there are already threatening remarks on the Internet that have spread to the group candidates.The creation faction is the mainstay of maintaining the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong. The more severe the election, the more severe the election. It should face the challenge and express the clear position of opposing violence.

Therefore, the most watched place for the district council election is how to ensure the legitimate and safe election.Recently, many citizens have been beaten by demonstrators because they have different opinions, making citizens worry about whether they can vote safely on the election day.It is necessary for the government to make a good plan to prevent violence in a stricter way to ensure the safety and fair voting of citizens.The atrocities of the Black Stranger, destroying the member of the Council for violence, and the threatening candidate with different political opinions, have obviously violated the election (fraud and illegal behavior) regulations.Essence

The safe progress of the district council election is the common expectations of the majority of voters, but the result of this election is really unpredictable.Some people are worried about whether they will repeat the 2003 scene.At that time, due to the dispute between Article 23 of the legislation, the election rate of the establishment of the system dropped sharply to 30 %, and the opposition took advantage of the district council, with a selection rate of nearly 80 %.However, after the opposition was elected, he specialized in fighting and political, ignoring the people's livelihood, so that the community construction and improving people's livelihood had been incompetent for 4 years. Residents were miserable and shouted.

In 2003, the district selection lessons reminded voters that the opposition that chose the politicization of things into the district council will inevitably make the district council deteriorate and bring political resistance into the community.Politicalization, the community becomes never rather, and will never spend energy to help residents handle community matters.

In this election, if the people in black and the storm enter the district council, bring violent struggle to the community, let the violent evil spread to all districts in Hong Kong, destroy the harmonious and peaceful community, and the consequences are even more unimaginable. Residents can only live in black horror.middle.The majority of voters should polish their eyes, so that the black clothes can not damage the district council election, maintain the fairness and fairness of the district parliamentary election, use public opinion to resist violence, and assist Hong Kong to get out of the predicament.