Author: Tang Shaocheng

Source: United News Network

The United States has actively discouraged our diplomatic relations with Taiwan. Taiwan has not been fruitful. Taiwan has broken off diplomatic relations with two South Pacific AIAs.The US Senate's Foreign Affairs Committee passed the Taipei Act and Sun Xiaoya, deputy assistant to the Asia -Pacific Assistant of the State Department of the United States, also announced that it will visit Taiwan as a senior APEC official within two weeks.The United States may worsen the frozen relationship between the two sides of the strait.

In fact, in recent years, the United States has strengthened relations with Taiwan.Since the 911 incident in 2001, the United States has fulfilled counter -terrorism and has no time to take care of Asia. Therefore, it has given the mainland's 10 -year strategic opportunity period, and naturally forms a perfect division of labor with East Asian countries.Therefore, since 2009, President Obama has vigorously promoted the Asian re -balance policy, and has seen many policies to be friendly to Taiwan.After President Trump came to power, he strategically actively targeted the mainland, coupled with the chips that accumulated a trade war with the mainland, therefore accelerated the passage of many friends and Taiwan bills including Taiwan Travel Law, which greatly drawn Taiwan's ability, evenIt also obstructs the diplomatic relations with me, and it is really good.

Sun Xiaoya, deputy assistant to the Asia -Pacific assistant to Taiwan, is a professional diplomat who is responsible for Australia, New Zealand and the Pacific islands. At the same time, he also serves as a senior APEC official. He has worked in the United States in the United States.Must understand.This will be that after March 2018, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of State Huang Zhihan, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the State Department of the State Department, visited Taiwan, and visited Taiwan's senior diplomat in Taiwan.At that time, Huang also publicly praised the democracy in Taiwan, which caused Beijing's anger. Then in May of that year, Dominica and Bugaifo had broken off with Taiwan. Salvador also announced the break of diplomatic relations three months later, and the United States failed to stop it.

The current content of the Taipei Act includes: Secretary of State or its associates should submit a report to the relevant Congress of the Congress within 90 days after passing the bill, and every 180 days, explaining which actions the administrative department has taken to strengthen Taiwan's international alliance and authorized to authorize the Taiwan alliance and authorizeAdministrative departments can take measures such as reducing diplomatic relations or reducing foreign aid to prevent relevant countries from changing or reducing relations with Taiwan.But it takes a period of time to pass the bill. Is this just to step up the incentives of Beijing to attract our diplomatic relations?

American officials also proposed to warn, and my Pacific AIA Palau and the Marshall Islands may also abandon me.Last year, the Marshall Islands and mainland trade reached 2.2 billion US dollars, but trade with the United States was only $ 31 million.Beijing has also proposed to build ports and 1,000 houses in the country's Langera Pyrant reef to exchange for the autonomy of the reef.Marshall's movement will also test the influence of the United States again.

The United States has participated in international organizations such as WHA, ICAO, and Interpol to assist Taiwan, but it has not yet been able to break through. The Tsai government should think that the United States is limited?Still insufficient?Or do both?

The United States' tools for Taiwan are increasingly strengthened. This is a relationship between the confrontation between the United States and China. This situation may be dragged for a while.But is the role of the former American horse daughter who helps Taiwan's diplomacy or drinking thirst?The government should review it carefully.

(The author is a researcher at the International Research Center of the National University of Political Science)