Author: Ouyang Wu

Eleven is approaching, and the 70th celebration of New China is coming.Looking back on the process of New China, the relieving and stitching of the old things in Hong Kong, or the recent discussion of people's discussions on Hong Kong in the recent state.

On the eve of the founding of the New China, the CCP made a decision that the CCP could not move in Hong Kong temporarily under the foreign policy of the stove and cleaning the house.Liao Chengzhi said that retaining Hong Kong's free trade port is equivalent to tearing a gap in the United States' three -dimensional blockade.

Indeed, before the reform and opening up, many foreign exchanges in China were carried out through Hong Kong.Hong Kong is a passage for overseas folk friendly people, and it is also a platform where the Mainland and the outside world have looked at each other.In that closed age, Hong Kong's maintenance of foreign exchanges against New China contributed.

After the reform and opening up, Hong Kong also played the role of its international financial center and free trade port, and provided a guarantee for the introduction of foreign investment and re -export trade in the Mainland, and provided a guarantee for the opening measures of the mainland to borrow ships to the outside world.Therefore, if the 70th celebration is awarded the honor, Hong Kong will receive a unique medal.

Even under the British colonial rule for many years, Hong Kong has always been suffering with the motherland and suffering.As early as the Anti -Japanese War, Hong Kong became an important strategic material supply base due to its particularity. The role played by the Kowloon to the Guangzhou Railway during this period was evidence.Now the mobs are damaged by the national emblem and flag and the monument to defile the anti -Japanese war.Looking back at history, Hong Kong has always been a special patriotic base camp, and it has always been integrated with the destiny and glory of the country.

It is now believed that with the increase in economic strength of mainland China and the improvement of opening up to the outside world, the advantages of Hong Kong are gradually weakening.With the development strategies such as the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area and the Shenzhen Socialist Demonstration Zone, some people have speculated whether Hong Kong's special status will be permanently replaced.

In fact, the above speculation is just a sense of worry.Huang Qifan, the former mayor of Chongqing and the vice chairman of the China International Economic Exchange Center, who is quite prestigious in the mainland political and economic circles, recently said that GDP (local GDP) measures Hong Kong's status and believes that the central government will abandon Hong Kong.The point of view is very naive.Hong Kong's status is irreplaceable. It is in nature rather than quantity. The leaders of several generations of the Communist Party of China have seen the potential advantages of Hong Kong and the mainland system.

The significance of Hong Kong to the country is not only economical

After the reform and opening up, Hong Kong's remarkable economic work for the Mainland made people almost forget that the significance of Hong Kong's significance to the entire country is not only economic from beginning to end.After the return, Hong Kong's special thing is that she retains a basic capitalist system under one country, two systems, and is a credit guarantee for economic exchanges for the socialist system and the capitalist system by the outside world.This system advantage can act as the economic converter and connection points of the two systems; and in terms of ideology, it is not only promoting exchanges and cushioning.

After returning, Hong Kong has always had an anxiety, worried about changing the existing system due to return, and also worried that the former international metropolis status is not guaranteed.It must be seen that from a national perspective, one country, two systems are not aggressive, but basic national policies, which have significant strategic significance and stability.In this repair storm, Beijing has always maintained calmness and restraint. Behind it is the central government's insistence on one country, two systems and cherishing the unique value of Hong Kong.Recently, the official media and People's Daily issued a statement saying that Hong Kong is not only irreplaceable for China, but also to be further stronger.In the construction of the Guangdong -Hong Kong -Macao Greater Bay Area known as the new practice of one country, two systems, the central government regards Hong Kong as the core engine of regional development, and it is also intending to play a greater unique role in Hong Kong.

Under such an important strategic arrangement of the country, Hong Kong has no reason not to be treasured to itself, let alone be arrogant.In the past, Hong Kong and the motherland had worked hard together; now, China's enhanced China has gradually moved to the center of the world stage, and Hong Kong should be the contributor and sharing of this glory.In the future, Hong Kong is not only the unique pipeline and window of China's opportunities, but also the of course an important part of China's opportunity.The most important thing in Hong Kong now is to recover confidence, do it yourself, and find the position that Hong Kong should be at 70 years when the founding of New China.

The author is current affairs commentator