Author: Pang Jianguo

Source: Zhongshi Electronics News

The Solomon Islands and Greibas broke off with me within five days.Solomon's population is 640,000, and a small country with average nationality of $ 2,000 is not a big deal. However, this situation is really a bit different.Because the Solomon Islands want to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China in advance, the United States discourages, Australia pressures, Taiwan hurriedly sent the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to visit the visit to announce a new assistance plan.As a result, 27 votes were in favor of saying goodbye to Taiwan at the deainer meeting.This is completely down to the mainland, not to throw the United States and Australia, and abandon Taiwan clean!

Solomon's steering cannot be simply regarded as the temptation of the mainland gold aid. Before the cabinet meeting, the country officially formed a cross -party group.Essence

The proposal report of the cross -party group has a brief explanation for the world's general trend, cross -strait comparison, and the needs of Solomon itself.In terms of the world's general trend, the country has determined that the rise of mainland China is unstoppable. With the growth of the growing economic strength and the status of the permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, it can play a more important role internationally and exert a greater influence.Through the multilateral diplomatic route, the mainland can help developing countries to enhance economic and trade interests and environmental issues such as climate change, and jointly contribute to global peace and security.

In terms of cross -strait comparison, the report believes that the strength of Solomon's development on both sides of the Taiwan Straits is strong and weak.After the normalization of relations with the mainland, the country will have the opportunity to expand many new areas that have not been seen in the 40 years since the mainland's growth force.In comparison, Taiwan does not meet the ability of Solomon's development needs.

This report also said that after visiting the cases of 5 developing countries, it was found that after the establishment of diplomatic relations with the mainland, these countries did provide support in many areas.There are specific contributions with progress.Therefore, the mainland in Taiwan is in line with Solomon's interests and needs.

This report does point out some basic facts.In 2000, the total US economy accounted for 30.9%of the global GDP, and the mainland accounted for less than 3.7%. The US economic bodies were 8.5 times that of the mainland.In 2018, the total US economy accounted for 24.2%of GDP, the mainland rose to 16.0%, and the United States had narrowed to the mainland 1.5 times.The mainland will surpass the United States to become the world's largest economy.

In terms of cross -strait comparison, the mainland's GDP was 23 times that of Taiwan last year. In the visible future, the mainland will pull the gap between the two sides of the two sides of Taiwan at a speed of exceeding one GDP.Such facts have been in front of you, do you still want to diplomacy with the mainland to fight against the fire?

Today, the mainland is no longer Wu Shi Amon, and the United States is not as good as the past.Those who follow the multilateralist route ..., have repeatedly called on the community of fate of mutual benefit and win -win; Trump, who loves unilateralism, always emphasizes the United States priority.Wang Dao and overbearing, the east and the west, the wind direction of the world is also changing, and Taiwan must not be alert.

Solomon's example tells us that only relying on the United States to support the waist and no goodwill in the mainland, Taiwan's diplomatic situation will continue to pull alerts.In the era of Ma Ying -jeou, there was still room for living diplomacy in Taiwan.The difference is that he does not recognize the 1992 consensus. Ma Ying -jeou can do, why can't Tsai Ing -wen be done?

In this presidential election, Tsai Ing -wen did not have the ability to fight for the economy, and wanted to put the sovereignty unlimited, but it might trigger a new wave of disconnection.It is really unbearable to provoke the hostility of both sides of the strait and reduce the sovereignty of the country to protect the country.

(The author is a professor at the National Development and Mainland China Institute of Culture University of China)