China Focus

At that time, Deng Xiaoping proposed that one country, two systems, and Hong Kong people governed Hong Kong for 50 years, and 50 years later.So far, Hong Kong has returned to 22 years and less than half of the 50 years. Hong Kong has repeatedly occurred in large -scale street parade demonstrations. China and Hong Kong contradictions have become increasingly apparent.

Why does this happen?This requires analysis from China and Hong Kong.

From the perspective of Hong Kong, first of all, Hong Kong people have political prejudice against the mainland system.Most of the millions of residents in Hong Kong have been from the mainland and their descendants in the past few decades. They have a system of historical memory and fear about their or their father who voted with their feet.This is not difficult to understand.This is not that they do not love the country and love Hong Kong, but they just have their own choices about the social system and lifestyle.

When the Hong Kong government parties reviewed the cause of the incident, they said that Hong Kong people had huge fear and anxiety about the mainland, and the Hong Kong government was not sensitive to this. This should be said to have a truth.In fact, it is more than those of ordinary Hong Kong people, even those who are regarded as patriotic businessmen, people who are regarded by Beijing as their strength, and civil servants who have pro -Beijing.To transfer some property abroad, either as an official, his family members have already held foreign identities or have settled in abroad.

This arrangement of behind -the -way way shows that its inner concerns are not different from many ordinary residents in Hong Kong.It is just that they do not have enough sensitivity to realize that those ordinary Hong Kong people can only die with Hong Kong because they have no ability to prepare such two hands, so they are even more anxious.

Secondly, the issue of people's livelihood in Hong Kong has not been resolved for a long time. The young people have a slim future, hopelessness, and resentment for a long time.In this way, political anxiety and people's livelihood accumulation, both phase are superimposed, so they will encounter the fuse factors, and they will explode as soon as they touch, and the response is so strong.

From the mainland aspect, this involves the Mainland's cognition of Hong Kong and the idea of governing Hong Kong.The CCP has a complete set of experience in transforming the old world, taking over cities, transforming the retained personnel of the old regime, the capitalist industry, and the transformation of people.

At the beginning of the establishment of the Communist Party of China that year, the CCP used the set of peace to the people who returned to the people to liberate the people.When Hong Kong returns, the idea and experience of transformation are naturally used in Hong Kong. Although it is not as urgent as that year, it will be resolved within one or two years, and it is not a full set.

Looking back at the Hong Kong major incident, in more than 20 years since the return, the four large -scale parade movements in Hong Kong have been related to the 2014 Occupy Movement in 2014. The remaining three times, the hundreds of thousands of people caused in 2003 to implement the hundreds of thousands of people have taken up in 2003.The streets, the anti -Chinese religion movement in 2012, and the larger -scale street demonstration caused by the anti -fugitive regulations, all touched the bottom line of Hong Kong people's political fear due to the implementation of some regulations or education related to the mainland system.Whether you want to entangle these three times today are all instructed, or that the Hong Kong government has nothing to do with it, it has no substantial significance.The essence of the problem is that these are political attempts that meet the wishes of the mainland and try to transform or change the existing legal system in Hong Kong and the concept of Hong Kong people.

Obviously, if there are no triggers to trigger political fear, Hong Kong will be much more quiet, and the three large -scale protest movements at least four times will not happen.Even if there is a problem of people's livelihood, the fuse is also lacking, and it will not make such a big fight.

And this leads to a problem, that is, there is no need to be anxious about Hong Kong?Whether there is no need to be less than half of the 50 years, we will try to change Hong Kong's law and education system.This triggers a general panic and social turmoil.

After the outbreak of the Chinese movement, many mainland experts and scholars and netizens made various suggestions.In the end, it still has not been separated from the original idea: such as transforming Hong Kong's legal system, civil servants, and police teams, replacing foreign judges, forced the implementation of national education, strictly beating against violent elements, and so on.

The contradiction was originally caused by the transformation, but the proposed plan was still the word transformation.In the past three, in 20 years, I tried three attempts to play iron plates, and in the end they were withdrawn or settled the storm.Is it necessary to try it again?Imagine that a fugitive regulations can cause the city's chaos for several months. Will those more severe solutions cause greater panic and turbulence?

Perhaps the feelings and reactions of 7 million Hong Kong people are not important compared to China with a population of 1.4 billion.Moreover, in terms of power comparison, there is no doubt that of course the Chinese Communist Party has the power to completely transform Hong Kong, just as it has the power to transform Shanghai.

This is not a question of whether to accommodate the willingness and response of Hong Kong people, not a problem that the authorities have the ability, but the problem of weighing a purpose, results, and interests.

What is the purpose and significance of trying to change the legal system and the concept of Hong Kong people?

Is it to prevent Hong Kong from being separated?The return of Hong Kong that year could not be controlled by Hong Kong people, how could they be able to decide Hong Kong's future sovereignty belonging?

To prevent Hong Kong from becoming an anti -communist base and subverting the mainland regime?Hong Kong has become an anti -communist base, and it has been the case since the establishment of the Communist Party of China. Reaction books, anti -communist groups, and spies of various ways have already been subverted.The Chinese Communist Party experienced so many difficult and twists and turns, and its regime was still not subverted. After Hong Kong returned to its own hands, a large country would be disrupted by the land of this projectile?

Besides, what are the benefits of Hong Kong?The result will only lead to an unspeakable price in China and the country's unification: that is, Hong Kong's status of losing its independent customs zone and the world's third largest financial center, losing a bridge as China -Western communication and buffering, and a channel for avoiding the risk of trade war.And leading to the demonstration effect of one country, two systems on Taiwan, and all the efforts to Taiwan's strategy in the past, they are east.The weighing two -phase weighing and lightness, it is not difficult to judge.

Therefore, it is not appropriate to have a hurry to Hong Kong.What are the problems that are put on hold that kind of attempts?Instead of regarding Hong Kong people as the object that needs to strengthen legal control and changes in ideology, it is better to see it as the object of care.The problem, show a lot of goodwill and care for the people of Hong Kong.This may reduce its heart defense and fear, cultivate a sense of belonging, enhance social harmony, and feel the heart.

The author is Chinese aesthetic scholar

Is it necessary to be in a hurry to Hong Kong?Whether there is no need to be less than half of the 50 years, we will try to change Hong Kong's law and education system.This triggers a general panic and social turmoil.