Sing Tao Daily News Agency The Cabinet of the Solomon Islands of the third largest country in the South Pacific decided to establish diplomatic relations with Beijing. It has not yet officially learned that Taipei has not yet been officially conference. Taipei is a pre -issued person and announced that it will break diplomatic relations with the country.Reality.In this diplomatic campaign, Beijing not only won Taipei, but also won the United States.

President Tsai Ing -wen in Taiwan showed the sour grape mentality again. When announcing disconnection, he said that he did not compare with Beijing and had money diplomacy. Foreign Minister Wu Zhaoxuan described the huge aid of Beijing's commitment to be false, and he also called on the international community to recognize that Chinese authoritarianism is still expanding.Output debts and siege.

There is a Solomon Islands with a population of 600,000. The scale of the South Pacific is secondary with Australia and New Zealand. After the April election of this year, after Sogovre served as the Prime Minister, it was reviewed to Taiwan and sent a delegation to mainland China.It also formed a cross -party group to visit a number of southern Pacific island countries with diplomatic relations with Beijing. It has clearly developed the development after the establishment of diplomatic relations with these countries and Beijing, and will not believe that Taipei has one -sided allegations.

U.S. Australia's lobbying has nothing to do with

Mainland China has become the largest export market for the country, accounting for 90 % of the country's total exports.Regardless of funds and technology, it is not enough to cope with the huge infrastructure needs of the country. Sogovre also described that Taiwan has been useless to politics and economy of the country.

Taiwan has continuously strengthened lobbying in the country since April this year. Last month, the two foreign ministers of the two countries also signed visa -free benefits. After the foreign minister of the country visited Taiwan earlier this month, Taiwan also sent Xu Sijian to Solomon to visit the Ministry of Foreign Affairs yesterday.The welcome ceremony stated that the trip will announce the new assistance plan, but in the evening, the dramatic ground is embarrassing.

In this lobby, the United States and Australia have played a heavy role.The United States and Australia are worried that China has strengthened its influence in the South Pacific. For Australia, the Pacific Islands are their first island chain. Like the United States regarded Central and South America as the latter garden, they are unwilling to control their own control.Considering its own military security.

Foreign Affairs mainland occupies the upper hand

As for the United States, there is also an opportunity to sell the people's affection to Taiwan to further attract the DPP government to restrain Beijing. In addition to sending the ambassador to lobbying to the national dignitaries, Vice President Pence also arranged for the Vice President Pence to attend the UN General Assembly in the end of this month.Then he met with Sogovre and lobby the other party to keep his diplomatic relations with Taiwan.At present, the rice breaks in Taiwan have become a cook, and whether the two will meet their doubts.

The lobbying work in Taiwan, the United States, and Australia has no meritorious work. Some of the reasons are that they usually provide many aids provided by these developing countries. Taiwan is limited by capabilities and financial resources, and Australia and the United States can do it.Relatively speaking, China has a lot of economic cooperation with these countries. As a neighbor of Solomon, Australia provides a far export market than China.As for China, in addition to investment and trade opportunities, it also hopes to expand its strategic influence overseas.

According to Taiwan Green Camp, Beijing wanted to transfer the sight of the Hong Kong anti -repair example to affect Taiwan's elections.The current atmosphere, this time the interruption of Taiwan has little impact on the election. Beijing mainly deploys its diplomatic work from the principle of one country and long -term strategic interests. After the DPP Cai Yingwen government came to power, it has lost six diplomatic relations. It is expected that it is expected thatCross -strait diplomatic warfare will continue, and the United States will continue to insert one hand on the cross -strait diplomatic battlefield based on its own strategic interests.