Sing Tao Daily News

Sino -US mutual interpretation of goodwill will create conditions for the new round of trade negotiations in the beginning of next month. If it can reach the so -called temporary agreement and harvest some results in the middle, although the results statement will not get 100, at least 70 or 80 points, you can do it.The impact of the trade war on the economy of the two countries will help improve the atmosphere of the future negotiations that are more tricky, although the negotiations of these tricky issues will still be protracted.

In the Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States requires China's reform state -owned enterprise system and a mechanism for the implementation of the implementation of the supervision agreement in China in China. These requirements that require China's sovereignty and development interests, China cannot concession.However, in the aspects of shrinking trade imbalances in the two countries and strengthening the protection of intellectual property rights, the two sides have room for each other to move closer to each other, and there are even ways to achieve a mutually beneficial and win -win arrangement.

If everyone agrees that it is easy and then difficult, the United States has given up the thinking of the winners, so as not to allow some tricks to drag other progress, let the trade war cool down, and the negotiations can get part of the results.Pu, hand over a transcript that is not Koko Zero.

The dominant idea of Trump's diplomatic internal affairs is to promote his re -election as the ultimate goal.At present, the polls show that his people's hope is declining and lagging behind many Democratic candidates. He must create a brighter political achievement in politics and economy to avoid being stunned in the White House in the next election.

Special strike for re -election of political and economic performance

In terms of political diplomacy, he cannot make breakthroughs in the situation in Afghanistan, Iran, or North Korea. In the Iranian drone incident, the United States almost involved in a new war. RecentlyNational Security Consultant Bolton, a slight adjustment policy.

In terms of economy, the Wall Street stock market fell, and many American companies and chambers of commerce have been promoted to the Wall Street stock market.Last month, the manufacturing procurement manager index fell below the fifty -row dry line. It was the lowest 10 years after the financial tsunami, and the service industry purchasing manager index also fell to the lowest to the lowest three and a half years.Trump continued to apply to the Federal Reserve's pressure to reduce interest rate reductions. Earlier, a large number of new tariffs from Chinese goods were postponed to December. It was originally worried that the American family consumption atmosphere would be worried about the Christmas of Thanksgiving Christmas.

If Trump agrees to reach part of the agreement with China, it will become its highlights of its diplomatic and economic achievements, which is also beneficial to China, which is now required to boost the economy of bank deposit reserves. BesidesThe market, etc., is in line with China that stimulate consumption to promote the economy.

Local Agreement, Sino -US global economy

The last round of high -level trade negotiations between China and the United States has not made a lot of progress. The tariff war between the two parties and even upgraded. Originally, Vice Premier Liu He led a group to the United States for a new round of consultations this month. As a result, it was postponed to early next month.However, in the process of lower -level contact, the two sides have made substantial progress, and this week, the two sides showed the action of alleviating disputes.

First of all, on Wednesday, China announced that exemptions imposed tariffs on 16 imports of goods imported from the United States.Trump announced on the night of the United States that in response to Liu He's request and the 70th anniversary of China, the tariff rate of US $ 250 billion (S $ 343.3 billion) in China was increased from 20 % to 30 % of the implementation date.It was postponed from the 15th of next month to the 15th.Chinese importers bought the largest batch of American soybeans for four months the next day. China announced yesterday that it would exempt tariffs on pork and soybeans, and the procurement inquiry was obviously allowed to be benefited from Trump's ticket warehouse to return his National DayGifts.

Trump postponed the date of additional tariffs to the middle of next month. How will the follow -up development depending on the results of Liu He's consultation in the United States early next month.In terms of market access and strengthening intellectual property rights in the United States, it has reached a phased agreement and reduced tariffs. It is not only beneficial to China and the United States and the global economy. At the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Conference in November, it also helps to meet with Trump to meet the President of China ... Create a good atmosphere.