Bolton, a national security consultant in the United States, was removed from office yesterday.(Associated Press)

You Runtian Beijing Special Commissioner [email protected]

Bolton, a national security consultant in the United States, was removed from office yesterday. Chinese scholars interviewed believed that this would not change the US tough policy for China.

U.S. President Trump East Tuesday tweeted at noon on Tuesday (10th) that he had asked Bolton to resign.Bolton, who took office 17 months, tweeted 10 minutes later that he resigned was proposed by himself.

Is it a good thing for China to leave Bolton?Shi Yinhong, a professor at the School of International Relations of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post: The impact was not great.

Shi Yinhong explained that in the current Trump team, on issues of economic and trade, ideology, South China Sea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc., they advocate a tough attitude towards China, and power and influence are more greater than Bolton.These people include Trump himself, Vice President Pence, trade representative Littichzer, Secretary of State Pompeo, and Esper of Defense.

Shi Yinhong said: The United States has more complicated policies for China. It is not a person like Bolton's claims and simplified minds to deal with. He only has to promote the hawk camp.The current toughness and fighting trend of the United States will not change significantly because of Bolton's steps down.

Bolton is the third national security consultant replaced by Trump.His predecessor MDASH; MDASH; Lieutenant General McMaster was also a hardliner, and his impact on China policies had more policies than to reign.

Shi Yinhong said that Bolton mainly cares about how to deal with the hostile countries in the United States such as Iran, Afghanistan, Syria, North Korea, and Venezuean.Although the United States defines China as its long -term number one strategic competitor, it is not a hostile country.

However, some analysts believe that Bolton has two policy claims, which may have an indirect impact on China's security strategy.First, in terms of strategic military control, it advocates pressure on China and requests China to join the medium -range missile treaty newly reduced strategic weapons such as the New Start (New Start).The second is to propose pressure on the DPRK instead of negotiations, and to call on the Chinese Peninsula to respond to the situation of the Korean Peninsula with peace conversations.

Tsinghua MDASH; Zhao Tong, an expert at the Kanegi Global Policy Center, analyzed the newspaper that Bolton had little impact on the negotiations on the United States and North Korea.He pointed out that Bolton had been crowded out of the core decision circle for some time.In order to prevent Bolton from destroying the friendly atmosphere of the United States and North Korea, Trump even opened Bolton when he met the Banmenian shop in the US -DPRK and asked him to visit Mongolia.

In terms of military control, Zhao Tong believes that Bolton's departure may mean that China is required to join the pressure of new cutting strategic weapon treaties, but it will still face the pressure of cutting medium -range missiles.

The new cutting strategic weapon treaty is an agreement to cut nuclear missiles between the United States and Russia. It will expire in 2021. The White House is studying whether the treaty is going to extend the treaty.Bolton advocates that if China does not join the treaty and accepts restrictions, the United States should withdraw.

Zhao Tong said: At present, the importance of New Start in the United States has a wide consensus.Without Bolton's direct intervention, the possibility of New Start will increase.

However, in terms of medium -range missiles, the US security policy circle has a certain consensus on pressure on China.Most of them believe that China's medium -range missiles threatened the interests of the United States and its regions and should respond seriously.Zhao Tong pointed out that not only the United States, but many other countries think so.Therefore, Bolton's departure will not have much impact on China's pressure on China Guide.