The United States and Mainland China will restore trade negotiations in October. Although the time has not been determined, the global trade is tight and eased. Since the trading dispute between the two countries last year, experts believe that the trade war has changed the pace of China's business environment and the pace of reform has something to do.Speed up, but you still have to make more efforts.

Peng Jiening, senior vice president of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee, believes that compared with the 18th plenary session in November 2013, he has seen more changing trajectories.

At present, the negotiations between the United States and China are still checking in the four major topic cards including smart property rights, industrial subsidies, market access, and mandatory technology transfer. According to the survey, 40 % of European companies believe that China has improved in market access, butAmerican companies believe that China's efforts are not enough.

In terms of the protection of smart property rights, Peng Jiening pointed out that China amended the trademark law in April this year to increase compensation for infringement. However, in terms of mandatory technology transfer, European and American companies believe that China is still not enough.

Although China passed the Foreign Investment Law in March this year, European companies believed that the provisions were blurred, which caused uncertainty that harmed the confidence of the company. American companies believed that China only promised to change, but it would not follow.

As for the most difficult industrial subsidy issues, as some foreign companies have changed their attitudes, the policy tone of the Chinese government has changed.Premier Li Keqiang proposed neutrality in March to treat state -owned enterprises, private enterprises and foreign enterprises in March, but so far, there is no sufficient evidence that China has changed its subsidy -oriented industrial development mode.

Daniel Rosen, a partner of New York Group, who has been paying attention to the development of China's economy and situation for a long time, said: As China grows huge in scale, global influence and competitiveness, China must be increasingly satisfied with the level of economic openness of other developed economies., But this has never happened at all.