Ming Pao News Agency

The Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue gave a television speech to the citizens of Hong Kong and proposed four actions, including the formal withdrawal of the revised fugitive regulations. As the starting point of society, there was no establishment of an independent investigation committee or a reconciliation committee.The storm caused the officials and the people to break. The government responded to the reasonable demands of the society and the formal withdrawal of the repair. It was the most basic step. Even if it came too late, it was always better than the continued corporate hardships, making this zombie issue endless.Since the development of anti -repair storms, the situation has become extremely complicated, and the focus is no longer a counter -repair example.The government builds a dialogue platform with the people and invites experts to view various deep -seated contradictions behind the storm and make suggestions. Of course, it has positive significance. However, it is still the best way for the independent investigation committee to restore the truth by the independent investigation committee.

The correct step of withdrawal is retracted

Lin Zheng Four Strikes still have insufficient

At present, Hong Kong is seriously injured.The four prescriptions prescribed by Lin Zheng, including: 1) formally withdrawn the repair; 2) the supervisor will join new members, set up an international expert group, and follow up the police law enforcement;The director settled and listened to the opinions of different political opinions and citizens of the class; 4) inviting social leaders, experts and scholars to make independent research and review on deep social issues, and make suggestions to the government.The first two items can be regarded as a measure to treat the injuries in front of the eyes, and the latter two are the means to regulate the Fu Yuan.

The government has pushed the practice that the citizens have fundamental doubts whether the authorities are willing to listen to public opinion.In mid -June, Lin Zheng announced a temporary revision, and then said that the practice of the future was ended, but he did not clearly say the withdrawal.From the perspective of the government, it may be quite cineily to declare that the practice of the past is incidental. The problem is that the government trusts the deficit too much. Many citizens want to hear the official withdrawal of these 4 words. This is not only because the withdrawal and suspension are in legislative technologyThere is a difference, and more importantly, the citizens are dissatisfied with the government's disregard.Now that Lin Zheng formally withdrawn the practice, he finally responded to the most basic demands of the citizens, but it was too late. However, it is still unknown whether it can bring a transfer to the current situation.

Anti -repair storms lasted for nearly 3 months, and millions of citizens went to the streets to demonstrate three times, while brave martial arts continued to launch impacts. Violence incidents intensified., Social pays a heavy price.Hong Kong has experienced the most turbulent years since the June 7 riots. It is inevitable that if the government has withdrawn the practice as early as June 9th, the crisis will not occur, but unfortunately there is no in history.At this moment, the anti -repair case is no longer the focus. Some people point the spearhead to the police over -use force, and some people are dissatisfied with the violent elements to destroy it and require the violence as soon as possible.

To curb violence, the government cannot rely on hard work to enforce the enforcement alone, but also requires soft power to guide the people. It can be softer to achieve softness. The formal withdrawal of the repair is just a starting point.In terms of peace, some of the five demands of anti -repair examples are really difficult to do.Take all the arrested as examples as an example. This itself violates the spirit of the basic rule of law. Even if the amnesty, it should be convicted by the court first, and then it shall be processed as appropriate according to specific cases.Discussion plan.But having said that, the four prescriptions prescribed by the government also obviously have disadvantages.

Resolve the two keys in the crisis

Independent investigation should not be excluded

There are many deep -level contradictions behind the anti -repair storm, which are different from the disparity between the rich and poor, social justice, land houses, young people, and even the relationship between Hong Kong and the Mainland.Now that the government uses the practice of the French to deal with the yellow vest movement, and uses the words and other methods to listen to the citizens of the citizens, and invite experts and scholars from all parties to provide suggestions for independent research. Of course, it is a good thing.The authorities are dead, and the citizens are not trusting the government. Even if the senior officials settle down, they may be regarded as public relations. Finding scholars do research may be worried that it is recommended to be tied up.The government did not allow the establishment of an independent investigation committee to insist that the supervisor committee is responsible for follow -up police's law enforcement situation, and it is also facing the same issue.

In the past three months, the supervisor will receive hundreds of claims from the police.In addition, the supervisor's association is also examining a series of incidents from June 9 in accordance with its legal powers, including the Yen Lang attack on July 21 to evaluate the police's handling methods.The Supervisory Council invited five scholars and experts from Britain and Australia to form an international expert group to assist the committee to work and make suggestions for improving.Yesterday, Lin Zheng reiterated that the government believes that the law enforcement operations of the police should be handled by the independent supervisor committee in accordance with the established mechanism.The police will have no power to call police officers and witnesses.Although Lin Zheng appointed former Education Director Yu Li Qingping and the former chairman of the Barrier Association Lin Dingguo joined the supervisor's association, but he could not change the lack of real rights of the supervisor's association. If he submitted the report in the future, his credibility and comprehensiveness may still be questioned.

We reiterate that the formal withdrawal of the repair and the establishment of an independent investigation committee is the two keys to resolve the current dilemma. Liang Dingbang, chairman of the supervisor and the supervisor, also urged that the government should not exclude the establishment of an independent investigation committee.Survey by senior judges can improve credibility. The independent investigation committee has legal power to call witnesses. The testimony of testimonies cannot be used for civil or criminal prosecution, and it will also help encourage all parties to testify.The supervisor's association can only follow up the police law enforcement, and cannot comprehensively examine the beginning and end of the anti -repair storm, including the behavior and funding sources of radical demonstrators, the responsibilities of the SAR government, and even external forces.To fully restore the truth, the government should consider it carefully.