Huang Shunjie under the table early

Since the end of last year, Kaohsiung Mayor South Korea Yu has persisted at the grassroots people's homes every month to understand the living conditions of small people from all walks of life and suffer.The night before, Yuyuan, South Korea, settled in a new home of a new resident, but was temporarily canceled due to physical discomfort, causing the outside world to be curious: Is South Korea Yu exhausted?

Since being nominated by the Kuomintang as a presidential candidate, South Korea ’s Yu has opened a campaign mode for the usual municipal municipality and the holiday state affairs. On the one hand, it is used to eliminate the outside world.With municipal performance, he is the best auxiliary tool for campaign president.

But after more than a month, the method of South Korea ’s Yu has proven to be unsustainable.

First of all, the attack of political opponents is not divided into weekdays and holidays.In order to apply Han Yu, Black and Korean have become a industrial chain.Whether it's out of words, play mahjong, alcoholism, education, extramarital affairs, absence of official documents, illegal construction of farmhouses, or even use Chinese and English crystals (derived from Taiwanese ladies Li Jingjing) in the speech, all kinds of black and Korean charges are overwhelmed to let the municipality make the municipalities and let the municipalities make the municipalities and let the municipality make the municipalities.The heavy Korean Yu is inaccurating.

In addition to the siege of the Democratic Progressive Party, the internal integration of the Kuomintang on the verge of breaking the bureau also made South Korea's rushing.

Although the party chairman Wu Dunyi has repeatedly emphasized that it is impossible to change the generals before, but the exchange of Yu Shenglang in the media is getting bigger and bigger. In addition, Guo Taiming, former chairman of Hon Hai Group, and Wang Jinping, the former legislator Wang Jinping, each with ghosts, South Korea ’s blue campThe new Communist's throne has not been hot yet, and it is now precarious.

Seeing that South Korea ’s belly’ s back was affected by the enemy, Li Jiafen, who could not bear her husband, could not help spitting bitter water recently, complaining that the Party Central Committee did not help. On the one hand, she was annoyed that she did not have a decision to return to politics that South Korea ’s Yu returned to politics.

However, if it is responsible for the dilemma of South Korea, South Korea ’s Yu himself is not without responsibility.

As soon as the mayor of the mayor, South Korea ’s Yu, knew that he lacked legitimacy, but he thought about it under the advocacy of the supporters. The moment he was running for the president, he was destined that he had to bear everything.The iron powder and the high Korean media attacked the opponent's opponent group, and it was destined that he could not recover the trust of Guo Taiming and Wang Jin's equal people; when South Korea ’s Yu declined the elderly platform of the Blue Camp during the election of the Mayor of Kaohsiung, creating an atypical Korean streamIt is destined that the Kuomintang Central Committee has no strength, and the factional princes keep a distance from him.

Therefore, if South Korea is tired, it is original, but the tired one is more than him?

Of course, what really should be tiring may be those Taiwanese voters who have long regarded their politics.

After six direct elections and rotation of political parties, the Taiwanese people who are accustomed to the democratic environment have long seen the hands and feet of politicians, and they are tired of the traditional political struggle and faction interests.This is also the main reason why Taiwan's blue -green political section has narrowed year by year, and the pragmatic intermediate voters are expanding.

However, they are still constantly being attacked by politicians every day. The news fatigue bombing of the election news of election is trapped in the fog of the election all day long.

The Lianyin Daily published a comment yesterday that in the two major blue and green camps, one party (referred to as the Kuomintang) could not even put the most basic formation, and the other side (referred to as the DPP) except lsquo;rsquo; there is no strength.Comments lament, can Taiwanese voters feel sad?

Indeed, from the recent election trend, many voters seem to have been abducted by the DPP government that is good at operating the anti -Chinese cards on cross -strait issues that are related to the survival and development of Taiwan.Under the repeated rendering of the hottest sister Tsai Ing -wen, the dried mango (from the homophonic of the Dead State) has become the popular term for young people, and 2020 may be the last meaningful election in Taiwan.As for what the Cai government will have a complicated cross -strait deadlock in the future, it is no longer the point.

When blue and green are not arguing, voters can originally hope that Taipei Mayor Ke Wenzhe, who is known as white power.But in a few years, the political amateur also appeared in the vicious circle of Taiwan's politics.While scolding the blue and green political parties, he organized his own party; yesterday, he had a eyebrow with Guo Taiming, the richest man in Taiwan.Ke Wenzhe's left and right sources are nothing more than concealing the sweet appearance of other agencies and political wrestling.

In the face of such a political situation, anyone who watched it was tired.