
Northern Remember

After US President Trump's recent sacrifice of tariffs on China, the relationship between China and the United States has deteriorated.The trade war has been upgraded again, the global capital market is trembling, and Chinese and American companies have clearly felt pressure.

Trump first told the world to increase taxes again last Friday (23rd). The US government's trade representative office then officially announced on Wednesday that from September 1 and December 15thThe batch of US $ 300 billion in Chinese goods plus tariffs from 10%to 15%.Trump's move was to retaliate against China on the 23rd that two batches of US $ 75 billion in US goods were levied 10%and 5%of tariffs.In order to retaliate against Trump on August 1st, Trump had just ended a round of negotiations, and suddenly announced a 10%tariff on $ 300 billion in Chinese goods.The trade war has fallen out of control. Coupled with the issue of Hong Kong, the issue of the United States for military sales in the United States, Sino -US relations have slipped into the lowest valley in the past decades, and may not have reached the end.

In the report of Chinese media, although facing tariff pressure, some high -quality Chinese export products are still upside down, not only stable sales, but also increased profit margins.Taking the small commodities in Zhejiang Province as an example, the latest statistics of Yiwu Customs show that in the first half of this year, the exports of Christmas and New Year's supplies in Yiwu increased by 46.5%year -on -year, showing the toughness and irreplaceable status of Zhejiang's small commodities in the international market.It is said that leaning on the deep integration of cross -border e -commerce and traditional product distribution models, some Zhejiang enterprises directly sent small amounts of goods to the US warehouse to avoid the impact of tariffs.

Unfortunately, the pictures are not so beautiful everywhere.The day before yesterday, the Hong Kong South China Morning Post quoted an unnamed Guangdong trader that his U.S. customers called last week and asked him to digest a 5%tariff.The Cantonese businessman who runs canned fruit of fruit admits that because it was proposed to provide canned fruit to the US supermarket, now he has to agree to the request of American partners to bear additional tariff costs.

He claims to have no choice but to do it, the only hope is that the renminbi will be devalued rapidly in the next few weeks, otherwise it will suffer huge losses.If the Sino -US trade war continues to deepen, he foresees that he can only abandon the US market, and there will be canned Chinese fruits on the US supermarket shelves.At present, some Malaysian manufacturers have imported citrus from China and exported to the United States after processing canned fruit in Malaysia. The price is cheaper than Chinese fruit cans.It can be seen that under the influence of the trade war, the global industrial chain reorganization is not only moved out of China, but the share of foreign commodities in the US market will also be re -deployed.

The days of American industry players are not good. This can be seen from hundreds of retailers, shoes and commercial groups calling on Trump to cancel the proposal tariffs.More than 200 American shoe industry appealed this week. After the latest tariffs, the tariffs of some shoes will be as high as 67%, which will harm the interests of American consumers.The trade war also caused heavy losses of American farmers.According to the New York Times, as of June, the bankruptcy application of the US farm has increased by 13 % over last year, and the loan owe rate has also risen.Although the Trump administration provided $ 28 billion in assistance, although most farmers are still Trump's hardcore supporters of China, an investigation by 1,100 farmers in the US agricultural journal (Farm Journal) shows that supporting Trump supports TrumpPu's farmers' ratio has rapidly declined from 79%in July to 71%in August.

The problem is that there is no possibility of resolution in the short term.Trump is extremely impatient in real problems in Sino -US economic and trade relations, but he will only use the tricks of war and pressure.With the long -lasting trade war, Trump ’s layman in economic issues, his personal character is more prominent. In order to overwhelm trade on trade issues, he did not hesitate to let the US economy face the risk of recession.Recently his speech has repeatedly caused US stocks to turbulent, and is beginning to cause Wall Street to alert.

People often say that although Chinese -American companies and consumers will suffer, they may even be affected more than the United States, as long as Chinese politics does not have turbulence, it is simply more endurance and tough than society. The United States is not a Chinese opponent.fact.The other side of the facts is also: the comprehensive strength of the United States in corporate operation, the spirit of scientific research innovation, and financial services, still over the world.If the United States abandon the dominant idea of protectiveism, it looks at the long -term domestic industrial structure issues, the lack of infrastructure investment, social differentiation, etc., and revive the competition with opponents such as China; maintain international order, give play to the major powers dueResponsibility and role, there is no problem in the United States again.However, what Trump is doing now is the opposite, and competes with his opponent's strength with his own weaknesses.It is introduced that before the day when the United States awakened, I am afraid that the Sino -US trade war would not stop. It was possible to accumulate the world economy into the bumpy cycle. China is expected to win MDASH; mdash; if the United States never wakes up.