The United States recently declared that the tariff rate of improving the tariffs on Chinese goods in the United States has further highlighted the nature of its trade bullying.Globally, the worry of worrying about the world economy will be severely impacted: Morgan Stanley analyzes that as long as the United States raises tariffs to 25%, it is enough to suppress the global economic growth below 2.5%; Belgium China Economic and TradeThe chairman of the committee, Dewitt, believes that the US tariff -based weaponization policy will not only lead to the increase in global trade barriers, the decline in trade amount, but also cause a negative demonstration effect, leading to malignant competition, and eventually dragging the global economy into the quagmire. Some people in the United States undermine multilateral trade rules, threaten the security of the global industrial chain supply chain, triggers the turbulence of the international financial market, and drag out international trade and world economic growth.Their intended loneliness, moving against the trend of economic globalization, and running counter to the principles of market competition, has significantly increased the risk of the world economic recession.Among the world economic and industrial structures with me and me, trying to decume the decoupling and confrontation with protectiveism and unilateralism is a departure of reality, and it is impossible to work.A recently published report on the New York Times website cited an instance mdash; MDASH; Apple recently tried to create a small number of high -end computers in Texas, but in the United States, it could not find suppliers that could supply all screws. More and more people of insight emphasize that some of the United States has no sense of meaning and responsibility, which has seriously damaged market confidence and triggers the global financial market turmoil.International institutions such as the World Bank, the International Monetary Fund, and the World Trade Organization have repeatedly warned that if the continuous development of the trade war will have a greater impact on the global economy.At the recently held the Seven National Group Summit, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and other country leaders expressed deep concern on the US side's provoking economic and trade friction;It may cause the world to fall into decline. In today's world, multilateralism replaces unilateralism and win -win cooperation to the zero -sum game is an unstoppable historical general trend.Some people in the United States fight against the general trend with old thinking, not only harm the interests of China and the United States, but also harm the common interests of countries around the world, and destroy the common welfare of the peoples of all countries.