Author: Liu Junhong

The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs recently announced that the ninth China -Japan -South Korea Foreign Minister meeting will be held in Beijing on the 21st.At that time, South Korean Foreign Minister Kang Jinghe and Japanese Foreign Minister Kawano Taro will attend Beijing in the future to negotiate the future of the Three Kingdoms cooperation and exchange international regional issues.

Unfortunately, at the moment, Japan and South Korea relations are cold and cold, and the trade friction between Sino -US relations has formed a cross -crossing axis in Northeast Asia, which makes Sino -Japanese and Korean cooperation face unprecedented difficulties and challenges.Facing the new time, China is not only a 10+3 chairman, but also the chairman of the China -Japan -Korea leaders' meeting.The relationship eases and promotes economic development in the region.

Twenty years ago, the leaders of China, Japan and South Korea established a 10+3 cooperation mechanism with the ASEAN (Asia Delica) summit to jointly respond to the crisis, and promoted the formation of the unique industrial chain, value chain and cultural circle with East Asian characteristics.Systems, different levels of development, and models of cooperation between different cultural civilizations.Today, as the core channel of cooperation in East Asia, China, Japan and South Korea have to take out the wisdom and bravery to defend the multilateral, open and free trade system, and resist anti -globalization and trade protectionism.

The economic aggregate of China, Japan and South Korea is pivotal on the west coast of the Pacific Ocean, and it is also extremely close to the world.In 2018, China, Japan, and South Korea exported a total of US $ 3.8 trillion (S $ 5.2 trillion) to the world, accounting for about 20.1%of the world's total exports, and imports of 3.4 trillion US dollars, accounting for about 17.2%of the world.If the China -Japan -Korea Free Trade Zone can be successful, it will undoubtedly be a sturdy power on the world trade stage.In the construction of the free trade zone, China, Japan and South Korea have adopted the policy of openness, openness, and non -restrained. The three countries not only reached a free trade agreement with ASEAN and its main member states under the 10+3 framework, but also signed a variety of types with extensive signing inside and outside the district and abroadType Free Trade Agreement, as a world -class trade distribution center, effectively promotes the expansion of global free trade.South Korea has signed a free trade agreement with China and the United States in the world's three major markets, which has greatly improved the coverage of free trade.As of the end of June 2018, South Korea and China, the United States and Europe signed 15 groups of FTAs (free trade agreements), with FTA coverage rate of 68.2%, which can be called a free trade zone excellent students.Japan also selectively signed several bilateral economic partnership agreements (EPA), and reached the Japan -Europe EPA and the comprehensive improvement of the cross -Pacific Economic Partnership Agreement (CPTPP).At the same time, the three countries have actively promoted the regional comprehensive economic partnership Agreement (RCEP) of ASEAN+China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and Singapore, and negotiations between the China -Japan -Korea Free Trade Zone, and extensively constructed the FTA position.China, Japan, and South Korea's exploration mechanism for free trade cooperation with each other is supported by 10+3, APEC (Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Organization), which strongly maintains the authority of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and supports the WTOThe dominant multilateral free trade system.

In the past 20 years, China, Japan and South Korea have been the most important trading partners, and the trade position is close to the United States.For example, China, the United States and South Korea have become the top three consecutive Japanese trading partners.China, Japan and South Korea are the core of Asian trade to depend on each other and develop rapidly. The import and export of the world has tied Europe. For example, the total export of Asian exports in 2018 reached US $ 6.5 trillion, close to 6.9 trillion US dollars in Europe, about 21,000 (21,000 (21,000Three times the dollar).Asia -Europe exports account for 70%of the world.This means that the Belt and Road Belt and Road, which is based on the Asia -Europe, has become the main battlefield of global trade, and the Belt and Road Belt and Roads characterized by investment and development will also become a new trend of globalization.Recently, the inversion of 10 -year debt and two -year debt yields in the United States reflects that the expected return on investment in the US market no longer attracts the charm of world investment.The large -scale investment demand released by the Belt and Road to the Belt and Road Belt and Road will evolve from unprecedented investment effects.This determines the development direction of regional cooperation and international rules in the future. It should not be drifting on the other side of the Pacific Ocean, but should be solidly based on the Asia -Europe continent.Therefore, it is necessary to prevent farming from farming and deserted yourself.

With the rapid development of new technologies such as 5G, artificial intelligence, the Internet of Things, and big data, and the deepening of the synchronous reform of China, Japan and South Korea, the technology and system innovation of the Three Kingdoms have advanced together, and the new technology and new industries lead the world.Relying on RCEP's large market with a population of about 3.5 billion, the standards of new technologies, new industries, and new product standards in Asia will be recognized by the market. Therefore, digital trade will naturally be formed naturally in this vast area to promote the east of the world digital economy center toAsia.In this way, China -Japan -South Korea cooperation has to consider longer and wider, and take into account the future WTO reform, so that it can cover the requirements of digitalization of economic forms and trade forms.