With the long -term negotiations on Sino -US trade negotiations, the United States has recently announced that from September 1st, it will impose a 10%tariff on China's 300 billion US dollars.Sino -US relations are also endangered in the crisis of worsening in the past 40 years.

For a long time, China has a basically accurate and objective assessment of Sino -US relations, that is, Sino -US relations are not good, and bad badness is not bad.However, it must be recognized that the basic assessment of China ’s relations with China and the United States above is actually based on the three major prerequisites: non -confrontation ideology, stable development of economic and trade relations, and normal diversified people.If you are no longer, you will move the mountain; and the loss of determination is because you do n’t know how to know each other.

China and the United States are different in ideology, but the difference does not mean that confrontation must occur, and Confucius advocates that gentlemen and differences.From the perspective of historical revolution and cultural traditions, the political spectrum of the United States is basically the middle right, while China is the middle left.As a result, the key areas of the two sides relying on normal interacting and interaction are the middle zone of ideology.

For example, after the victory of the United States in 1945, the United States tried to promote the peaceful negotiations between the KMT and the Communist Party and the Communist Party to form a joint government. This was the first choice of the United States' policy on China at that time.After the failure, the United States moved closer to the Kuomintang with the right of the Communist Party and the Communist Party.For example, in 1972, China and the United States achieved a breakthrough and summit meeting, but why did it officially establish diplomatic relations until January 1979?The serious difference in ideology is the main reason. It was not until the Chinese clearing and the Cultural Revolution. The leader began to reform and open, and then paved the road for the normalization of Sino -US relations.

One of the key prerequisites for Sino -US relations in 35 years is that China has insisted on reform and opening up policies, and the United States and the United States also have a positive expectation of conflict and conflict between the ideological differences between the two parties.Once China ’s ideological position has gone backwards, the American hawks have also danced. Both sides withdrew from the benign intermediate zone, running counter to the left and right directions, and the strategic conflict between China and the United States is unavoidable.In July 2013, the author published the article on China's reforms to threaten national security at the United Zard of China, predicting such bad consequences.

The economic and trade relations between China and the United States have changed from the original rising cockpit stone to the main battlefield of currently the main battlefield of smoke. What major problems are there?Some people say that they were bullied China in the United States and launched a trade war.But the major fallacy of this kind of words is that it cannot explain that since the United States wants to fight a trade war, why should we have a 12 rounds of trade negotiations with China so far?In fact, US President Trump has said many times that he does not blame each other with trade imbalances with many countries (including China), but mainly blame the United States' own long -term strategy errors, making the United States occupy by other countries by other countries.Go to a lot of cheap.

As a result, Trump is currently adjusting the series of policies and policies that change the United States, including economic, trade, immigration, health insurance, employment, climate and other fields.In terms of economic and trade relations, Trump's style and means are re -negotiating, requiring fair trade, market -to -peer, and balance in and out.If you can talk about it, you will be happy. If you ca n’t talk about it, you will levy tariffs. The bottom line is that the United States cannot do a loss of money.

The key to responding to the US government's economic and trade policy and position adjustment is whether it is the economic and trade economic and trade, or the infinite expansion of the problem on the line, and even the normal communication of the people has frequently turned on the red light. In the end, it is difficult to end?The United States is a traditional business country, with high quality in the US market and rich profits. This is the main reason why countries around the world want to trade with the United States.Grasp this point, only to look out.

There is also a political explanation that the United States is trying to prevent China's development from the development of China's economic and trade war.Do not deny that if the Sino -US trade dispute is not handled properly, it may bring setbacks to China's rise.But the basic fact is that the Trump administration is fiercely adjusting the overall economic and trade relations with the external world. Sino -US economic and trade relations are just one of them.

Even if China's rise has made the United States countermeasures, it still belongs to the normal response of the defending champion to the challenger, that is, the two sides do not have to get the point where the relationship is so deteriorated.There are also narrow and extremes, which will compare the current normal equal trade negotiations between China and the United States to compare to the defeat of the Sino -British and British Nanjing Treaty or the Sino -Japanese Malaysia Treaty in 1895.The cow is not enough.

(The author is an expert in international cultural strategic research and consultation in the United States)