Sing Tao Daily News Agency Hong Kong's economic and people's livelihood has the most severe challenges since the financial tsunami ten years ago. It has already been affected by the impact of the Sino -US trade war. Due to the recent political turmoil, the haze is encrypted.Falling to a three -year low, the economy may fall into a cliff -like decline.Authorities and parties should actively plan to deal with, and society must also stabilize.

Qiu Tenghua, director of the Bureau of Commerce and Economic Development, issued a warning number yesterday, saying that there will be a hidden concern for the second quarter of Hong Kong's second quarter announced next week, and a double -digit decline will occur in multiple industries in the second half of the year.

The main reason for the fading economy in Hong Kong in the first half of the year was the Sino -US trade war. This battle caused the import and export of Hong Kong in the last month.Five percent of a decline is the leading indicator, which means that the demand for the plan is declining, indicating that exports will continue to be weak in the second half of the year.

The import and export and manufacturing industry were affected by the peripheral factors. The Promotion Bureau visited more than 800 small and medium -sized enterprises earlier last month.The manufacturing index fell, and the comprehensive business index fell 10 % quarterly, more than 20 % lower than the same period last year, reflecting that the confidence of small and medium -sized businessmen fell greater.

Internal and external difficulties in the second half of the year scratch the wind

Trade and war also caused the global economy to blow cold wind, which led to the tendency to relax monetary policy in recent months., And to maintain growth and avoid recession.In this environment, the economy in the second half of Hong Kong is more and more optimistic.

In addition to external concerns, Hong Kong also responds to internal affairs.Small and medium -sized enterprise index surveys were carried out early last month. At that time, the anti -repair routine storm had not yet appeared the largest parade and violent conflict. In the next season, the negative impact would become significant.

Under the political storm, it is the tourism and consumer -related industries. Although the visiting travelers visiting Hong Kong in the first half of this month still increased, because the Hong Kong demonstration news was widely reported by foreign media.After falling, the hotel industry is more worried that after issuing a tour warning or prompt for the Hong Kong situation, the occupancy rate will further decline.

Government disadvantaged challenge for weakness

As for the retail industry, it is expected that there will be a double -digit decline. Once the tourists decrease, each of which may be closed when the demonstration is encountered to avoid being damaged. Even if the door is opened, the business is reduced.decline.This also makes the recreational industry such as restaurants impact.At present, Hong Kong's most avoided is that business decline affects stores and employees 'income, further reducing citizens' spending power and forming a vicious circle.

During the financial tsunami ten years ago, Hong Kong also faced the threat of economic vicious cycle. At that time, the government adopted measures to stabilize finance, support enterprises, protect employment, and obtained the cooperation of enterprises and the people.However, the current government has greatly lacked political energy that condenses the entire people to cope with economic challenges, making the prospects more worrying.

Qiu Tenghua said anxiously yesterday that the draft fugitive regulations have no vitality. It can be said that it is already a yellow flower tomorrow. Now it is time to look forward to the consensus and confidence of reconstructing society.What he said is that in the face of the harsh economic situation in the second half of the year, the government and society must see the unfavorable factors of Hong Kong's economy, formulate wind -proof measures to avoid economic and people's livelihood in trouble.Don't let the political chaos further crack down on the economy.