Author: Wu Liqun

As a Brexit hardship, British Prime Minister Boris Middot; Johnson started at the beginning of his office and declared in the speech that Britain would be Brexit before the final period of October 31.In terms of Sino -British relations, his statement is also quite eye -catching. In an interview with Hong Kong Phoenix Satellite TV, he said that the British government will be very close and very enthusiastic about the Belt and Road Initiative.

How should we understand the olive branches thrown by Johnson?What variables will this new Prime Minister who looks like Trump bring to Sino -British relations?Regarding related issues, China Observer Network interviewed the Director of the European Issues Research Center of Fudan University and the EU for Middot; Moane Chair Professor Ding Chun to interpret the political considerations behind Johnson's pro -Chinese.

It is certain that the Belt and Road Initiative is the choice of Britain for national interests

Judging from the current situation, Johnson's statement meets the interests of Britain and is in line with the current situation of Britain.A good Sino -British comprehensive strategic cooperation relationship is in line with the interests of China and Britain, especially for the Johnson government, which is busy with Brexit.

Britain, which rose in the industrial revolution, was facing the predicament of the comprehensive degradation of the manufacturing industry today. Its economic strength is mainly in the financial, services, and foreign trade industries.Such an economic structure determines that Britain must continue to expand foreign trade and build new trade, financial networks and value chains to drive the domestic economy.

In the past, as a member of the European Union, Britain can enjoy the preferential convenience as a member of the EU, but it is also subject to the European Union's joint trade policy. It cannot sign a trade agreement with China or any other country.After Brexit, Britain must make up for the negative impact of this departure, pioneering and building new economic and trade connections.It is for this consideration that British politicians have proposed the goal of creating a global British.In order to achieve this goal, the United Kingdom obviously needs to invest more to the Asia -Pacific region outside the Atlantic, which has a good relationship with other countries outside the European Union, especially emerging economies, especially emerging economies.

Specifically, on the issue of China, in general, British politics can see the current situation and take advantage of the trend.During the Cameron period, Sino -British relations have gone through the golden decade; during the period of Mei, despite the different voices in the United Kingdom, the friendly relationship between China and Britain continued to survive, and China and Britain opened the second golden decade of golden decade.; Johnson also stated that he would continue to actively policies to China.This is a global thinking and is also in line with its national interests.

China is the second largest economy in the world and the fifth largest trading partner in the UK. Both sides have extensive cooperation potential in the fields of finance, education, and creative industries.At present, China and Britain in the field of financial, such as Green Finance, Shanghai -London, Asia Investment Bank, RMB internationalization, etc., and cooperation under the Belt and Road framework have become the highlights of bilateral cooperation.On this basis, dealing with the relationship with China, especially economic and trade relations, can not only hedge the risks brought by Brexit, but also enhance the confidence of Britain's negotiations with the European Union.

Johnson's attitude looks positive for the Belt and Road Initiative.This shows his recognition and understanding of the current world economic trend and the Chinese Belt and Road Initiative's significance to the British revitalization, and recognize that the development of this initiative is unstoppable.In this regard, it can also be seen that his own choices for the operation of Sino -British relations, not just the head of the United States or the European Union.

Therefore, Johnson's throwing an olive branch to China is the choice he made from national interests.For China, his statement also meets our interests.

For Johnson, we should also listen to its words and observe the line

Looking at Johnson's pro -Chinese statement, it should also be analyzed from its own situation.He was born in the United States, graduated from Eaton Public School and Oxford University. He is a classmate with former Prime Minister Cameron and a smart school hegemony.It is said that he also has a good leadership style, good at grasping the general direction, and the implementation and execution of details to professional teams.From a personality point of view, he is very different from traditional British politicians, and he is more obedient and advocates opportunism, so we should listen to his words.In particular, it is even more important to involve sovereignty and internal affairs involving Hong Kong, South China Sea, Xinqiang.

How to balance the relationship with China and the United States, testing Johnson's wisdom

The future trend of Sino -British relations will be largely involved and restricted by Sino -US relations, British and American relations, and Sino -European relations.Under the long -term situation of the Sino -US strategic confrontation, how to deal with the relationship with the two, implementing the policy of being very close to Chinese quot; will test Johnson's political ability and political wisdom.

At present, the statement in the Asia Investment Bank, the Belt and Road, Huawei, 5G and other important events reflect its control of the above relationship.In addition to the Belt and Road, the most typical example is on Huawei and 5G.When the British media exposed that the British government would release Huawei, the United States immediately threatened with intelligence cooperation.Britain can only make compromises.In this regard, how the new government will express and actual actions after taking office is also a highlight.Is it willing to be a class of Americans and serve as the Ma Qian who serves as its policy of China. Or, we will make decisions from the British interests. We wait and see.

In general, I still have a cautious and optimistic attitude towards the future of Sino -British relations.We have reason to believe that the British under Johnson will start from national interests, strengthen cooperation in the fields of bilateral politics, economy, trade, humanities, and global governance, further improve the level of cooperation in China, and balance its relationship with China and the United States, just like the relationship between China and the United States, just likePreviously, Britain ignored the opposition of the United Kingdom and became the first European country to join the AIIB.