Professor Song Lei, a professor at the Department of Public Policy of the School of Government Management of Peking University, suggested that when referring to the Japanese industrial policy, China should shift from resource allocation to resource utilization. At the same time, strengthen the cooperation between government and enterprises to help enterprises improve the form of management and efficiency.

Song Lei pointed out at the Innovation and China International Rise Forum organized by the East Asian Research Institute of the National University of Singapore yesterday that the economic development and industrial policy after World War II has always been the object of China reference.However, he believes that too much focus on China's reference in the past tends to the government to assist enterprises to carry out structural policies including supply -side reforms, and ignore the Enterprise Rationalization of enterprises that help enterprises that help enterprises that help enterprises effectively manage and use resources.

Song Lei analyzed that one of the reasons for this biasedness is that the research framework used by economists does not include the rationalization policy of corporate allocation of research resource allocation.

He said: There are two benefits of rationalized policies, one is not to violate market mechanisms, and the other is that policy funds have less investment, which can avoid wasting government funds.

Taking Japan as an example, Song Lei pointed out that a rationalization policy is to create a supporting relationship between large and small and medium -sized enterprises, and this policy has also been localized by Taiwanese enterprises afterwards, and it also focuses on the coordination of large and small and medium -sized enterprises.In practice, I hope that the mainland can also develop similar systems, and the current domestic research in this area is blank.

Song Lei also pointed out that the current Sino -US trade friction is different from the nature of Japanese and American economic frictions in the 1980s. Because Japan's economic growth at that time was mainly driven by domestic demand, and China's past economic growth relied on global trade and exports, and relying on the world to rely on internationalDivision of labor system.

He believes that after friction between China and the United States, it can only maintain a state of fighting without breaking. Unless you really need to accept two parallel systems in the world, you cannot completely talk about lsquo; break up rsquo;

Song Lei is therefore optimistic about the development prospects of Sino -US trade relations, because this structural factors means that China and the United States will not be completely decoupled.