At present, the Sino -US trade war with the right battle is not decisive, but the roles of the two sides are clear and offensive and defensive.The United States is an offensive side, aggressive, and seems to have absolute initiative, which is in the upper reaches of the food chain; China is the defense side, which is dragged into the party that is dragged into the battle.

On the surface, this is a trade war, scientific and technological war, and legal war between the two countries. In fact, it is actually a comparison between the national mainstream development concept and the national governance system and the national governance system and the national governance system.EssenceHuman beings have entered the first unprecedented Sino -US trade war since the 21st century. If everything is really like Trump's original claims, it will continue to roll, and the existing global manufacturing quality upgrades, industrial science and technology levels, economic and trade levels, economic and trade and tradeThe rational adjustment of the development pattern and the benign integration of the global economy will all cause serious damage and blockage.

For China's development, although this way of forceing reform is also necessary and effective, it will inevitably cause its development process to be severely blocked in the next period, and to some extent it will become the United States againMajor production and market bases in Asia.Of course, this itself may also be called another form in the process of global economic and trade integration, although it may not be a form of civilization.

Is the United States that constantly retreat, is it strengthening its leadership in the world, or is it increasingly exited with its substantial leadership of the world?The United States under Trump is obviously a contradiction.On the one hand, for the United States, he does not want to lead the world, constantly withdrawn, withdrawn from the Paris climate change agreement, cuts the UN conference fee; on the other hand, he is afraid that the power will fall and be empty, and then be ridiculed by the world.Trump is obviously the fundamental law of human survival and development, especially the governance trend of human beings with irreversible destiny.The endogenous ability lacks sufficient rational cognition.

It should be said that Trump does not have as a world -class leader, and he should have the distant opinion of shoulder -to -shoulder and leading the correct development of all mankind, as well as the profoundness of philosophers and the Hongyuan of politicians.A single economic entity president, which is limited to its own corporate profits index, the animal is shallow.Trump has seriously mislead the legitimacy of human development.

Since Trump ’s principle of the White House, with the concept of U.S. priority, the United States has been operated as an economic interest entity.It is intended to squeeze China's economic and trade development interests and force China to open a new round of portal opening.

Trump announced on December 18, 2017 that he announced the first national security strategy report since taking office: Each of our decisions and every action is given priority to the United States. Russia and China are challenging the influence of the United States., Value and wealth status.US Vice President Pence also publicly stated that before I took office with Trump, the US leadership position was uncertain and unstable, but it was gone.The arsenal rsquo; The United States is having real results in the international community, and the United States will be great again.

The Trump administration has clearly played the United States' priority unilateralist banner, depending on the source of the benefits of the United States around the world, these are undoubtedly the continuation of modern European and American narrow colonial thinking under the global fair governance.

Since the war of independence in the United States, with the good global vision and national governance concepts under the leadership of some outstanding political elites, especially in the 20th century, no matter in the First World War, World War I, or the Cold War, they seized almost every global development opportunity.It has developed into the world's unique economic, science and technology, education, politics, and military dominance in various fields of various fields. It has rewrites that human beings have led the global politics, military and economic development pattern of nearly 400 years since the 15th century.

In China, from the far away to the middle of the Qing Dynasty, as an independent oriental civilization, it has always been outstanding in the fields of culture, education, economic development, and social governance.However, since the 15th century, because compared with Europe, the first wave of global development opportunities caused by Columbus discovered from Columbus discovered the United States, lagging on the reform and self -renewal of its national governance.Luming, narrow markets, and extremely low domestic social governance and innovation capabilities.

Since the 1980s, China, which has been suffering, has gradually embarked on a state and government governance system, legal system, economic system, education and cultural system, high -tech, high -tech system, high -tech system, and high -tech system dedicated to the full activation and release of domestic social productivity.An innovation system, diplomatic system, urban and rural governance and development system, and a strong military system, such as a series of reforms from new and strong.

After 40 years of reform and opening up, China has quickly changed its development and developed into the world's second largest economy.Especially since ... after the main administration, with the unprecedented reform, removing, and self -renewal of various production factors, China has risen rapidly in the global political influence, economic and trade dominance and overall development concepts of development.It also caused the relatively decline and panic in the United States.

How should China be in line with the United States

In the future of human life, it is necessary to be a power overlord or a global unified government, or the existence of a democratic negotiation and autonomy structure, or will it always be fragmented?Now, it seems that Marx's theory of socialist doctrine and communist constructive concept has been challenged by unprecedentedly. The production and lifestyle based on self -worth, which seems to be more geographically discovered since the 15th century, prompting global free capitalismAt any time since the rapid development of production methods, it has made humans face the choice of constructing governance order.

Affected by the Sino -US trade war, it has not only caused China itself, but also the Asian part of export -oriented -oriented manufacturing growth has declined significantly, and signs of slowing global economic growth have also been revealed.Trump even threatened to withdraw from and officially announced on February 2nd that he suspended the performance of the central guidance treaty signed with the former Soviet Union during the Cold War period, and his spearhead was essentially aimed at China.The US policy under Trump has seriously disrupted the efforts of the correct direction of global governance order.

German Europeans magazine clearly pointed out: Trump mdash; mdash; world security criminals.The United States under the rule of Trump is increasingly mature and suppressed in China.At present, the number and number of incidents and times that are generated between China and the United States, such as the two countries in the South China Sea, are increasing.The South China Sea issue, Taiwan issues, and economic and trade conflicts are blocked in the overall situation of rationalizing Sino -US relations.How should Sino -US relations be adjusted next?Has caused global concerns.

How should China meet the United States in the great strategy of its own rise?There is no doubt that Sino -US relations are the most important foreign relations in China.Similarly, there is no doubt that China and the United States, as two independent human civilized carriers, have the concept of the concept and development of the construction and development of human global life order, and have also undergone severe physical contact.The state of the fancy.

At the current stage of human development, under the long -term reality confrontation between China and the United States, China must formulate a macro national development -driven strategy.Because:

I. The national body and national governance concept established by the US Constitution and the current Chinese constitution have fundamental differences, which will lead to a series of national development and people's livelihood concepts generated on the legal framework.

2. So far, the principles of the two countries in the ideological field have led to a harmonious community that has not said that it has formed benefits and development. Even as a production team in the same production team, it will not be able to look forward to the appearance of harmony in the long run;

Third, cultural gene structure and the heterogeneous use in the use of standard language, which leads to exact remittance between the humanities between China and the United States, there are relatively difficult difficulties in the long run;

4. So far, the great differences between the political, economic, legal, education, technology, finance, and military in the reality between the two countries have caused the psychological gully that the two countries to achieve equal treatment between the two countries, and it is difficult to fill in the short period of time;

5. Washington's strategy to Beijing's strategy, including the Asia -Pacific rebalancing strategy and Indo -Pacific strategy, has never considered cooperating with China to govern the world so far, even if it includes Nixon, which includes the door to normalization of Sino -US relations, and the door to normalization of Sino -US relations, as well asWith the normalization of Sino -US relations, the focus of the United States is only to restrain the former Soviet Union or to obtain political, diplomatic or economic and trade interests from China; now the Trump government has formulated a coordinating defense Taiwan, trying to curb China's rise andUnity, the Western Pacific strategy in politics and military has very clear pertinence;

6. In the blood vessels based on talent and human rights in the United States, there is no philosophy of human beings who have never flowed in the world.

It is difficult to harmonize in the short term of China and the United States

Based on the above unavoidable reality elements that are currently existing between the two countries, China wants to achieve substantially harmoniousness with the United States, and it is difficult to achieve in a short period of time.

Right now, although there is a willingness to be committed to reaching a trade agreement or understanding between the two countries, but for the consensus reached by the two parties at the G20 summit in Argentina, after the suspension of the trade war launched by the United States, it will develop in the future.The substantive relationship between the two countries is still full of uncertainty.Under the long -term reality confrontation between China and the United States, China must formulate a macro national development -driven strategy to effectively realize the inevitable balance strategy under the point of view of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

Human society is facing the deep changes in the order of survival and the concept of development, and the uncertainty of the future is also increasing.The trip to the avenue also, the world is the public, choose virtuous and capable, and speaks.All human beings should go to the future with each other, the combination of mutual business, and each other, and it should no longer tend to a new round of opposition, the Cold War, and even directly conflict.

Human beings are just a type of ordinary species living and living in the surface of the earth by living on the earth.Limited.Only people who are extremely ignorant will think they can dominate the world.Every individual and nation actually have talent and obligations to show and contribute to the world to contribute their creative ability. Any unsuccessful local blocking or killing is against the truth.Although this kind of violation of heaven, in the present stage of human evolution, still always happen.

Times are urging the English politicians and thinkers who have excellent global governance forward -looking awareness, philosophical speculation, and fundamental direction of human society's fundamental directions to jointly take forward the peace and coordination of the peace of human society.

Trump wants to reshape the power of the United States, enrich the pockets of the American people, and enhance the happiness index of the American people. However, it has adopted a series of actions with the enemy of other peoples.In the current Sino -US trade war, the United States may temporarily obtain some material interests in front of the United States.Creativity.


At present, the number and number of incidents and times that are generated between China and the United States, such as the two countries in the South China Sea, are increasing.The South China Sea issue, Taiwan issues, and economic and trade conflicts are blocked in the overall situation of rationalizing Sino -US relations.How should Sino -US relations be adjusted next?Has caused global concerns.