Yellow River

Since the end of 2017, the US President Trump launched Free and Open Indo-PACIFIC (FOIP) and Sifang Security Dialogue restarted, the concept of the India-Pacific (referred to as Indo-Pacific) has received a lot of attention in international relations expositionsEssenceHowever, even among its proposals, there is no common understanding or definition of authority.In the past two years, the United States, Japan, India, and Australia have made their respective interpretations in the process of incorporated India -Pacific concepts into their own foreign policy.At the same time, China avoids discussing India -Pacific discussions that this is a strategy to curb China.

Under Indonesia's initiative and urging, Axian An internal discussion was conducted to formulate a common position in Ya'an in this issue.Therefore, in June 2019, the 34th Asianan Summit held in Bangkok passed the Asean Outlook on the Indo-Pacific (AOIP).

AOIP continues Asian Safe Strategy Culture

AOIP is new bottle of old wine in many ways.It continues the openness and tolerance prospects of Ya'an, and positions Axian as an honest intermediary in a strategic environment for interests.Under the banner of dialogue and cooperation in the Indo -Pacific region rather than competition, AOIP is based on the long -term policy of Asia's Da'an, that is, accepting all partners and friends, especially the great powers, and the habit of receiving dialogue and cooperation.Encourage them to restrain themselves and use their abilities and resources to cope with common challenges.In the new background of the sharp shift of Sino -US relations to strategic competition and even economic and technological decoupling, whether the dialogue and cooperation methods of Asianan are still valid, it is still not allowed.

AOIP sets the long -term principles of Yaxian's regional architecture, including openness, transparency, tolerance, based on rules and respect for international law.The concept of freedom is also included in AOIP, which aims to contribute to maintaining peace, freedom and prosperity.Although there is no detailed explanation of the meaning of freedom, it can be interpreted in conjunction with the principles of respecting sovereignty and non -interference in peace in subsequent paragraphs.In this regard, AOIP's freedom is somewhat concept with the concept of freedom of the United States FOIP, including the freedom of freedom or exercise of sovereignty for coercion.

However, that's it.FOIP's freedom is applicable to international relations and domestic governance. The definition of the latter is the common values of free society, corresponding personal rights and freedom, good governance, and compliance with the United Nations Charter and World Human Rights Declaration.The freedom in AOIP is mainly concentrated in the relationship between the country, just as the international treaties in the field of international law, including the United Nations Charter, the 1982 UN Marine Law Convention, other related United Nations Treaty and the Convention of the Asian Simpana, and the Asianian Charter and the Asian Fine Convention.Various Asian Simpan Treaty and Agreement, and Declaration of Mutual Relations of the East Asian Summit.

Another indicator of AOIP's standardized attention to national relations is the importance of the Southern Asian Friendship Cooperation Treaty (TAC) as the code of conduct of regional countries. Especially in terms of sovereignty equality, peaceful resolution of disputes, and abandoning force to solve problems.This is also the basic element of Aianan's mainstay in the changing regional order.In addition to TAC, AOIP also retains the possibility of formulating appropriate Asian security files for a wider range of Indo -Pacific regions.This may be the possibility of Indonesia to keep the possibility of a proposal to restart the Tai Treaty in the future.This is the proposal of former Indonesian foreign minister Marty, which aims to push the TAC principle to a wider range of Indian Pacific regions.In Marty's words, it is a framework similar to TAC, which can be used for more extensive members of the East Asian Summit.Asian fine security experience is externalized.

In terms of system, AOIP does not imagine a new design, because AOIP is not aimed at establishing a new mechanism or replacing the existing mechanism.It imagines that the core principles of Asia's metalian are the basic principles, promote cooperation in the Indo -Pacific region, and led by Asia's thinning mechanism such as the East Asian Summit, as a platform for dialogue and cooperation in the Indo -Pacific region.With the rise of unilateralism and other alliance layouts (bilateral, three -sides, four, and mini -edges), AOIP aims to restore Asia Detaida -led institutions to restore the convening and agenda of Asia in the region's multilateral cooperation and agenda.Determined strength.

AOIP focuses on strengthening and optimizing the leading mechanism of Asian security, but does not explain how to do this.AOIP shows in subsequent paragraphs that in the mechanism led by Asia's Dim'an, strategic discussions on this transaction and actual cooperation activities can be performed, including the East Asian Summit, the Asian -Kaiga mechanism, the Asia Gyanan Regional Forum, and the Minister of Defense of the Eighth National Defense.Compared with the East Asian Summit, AOIP did not mention the Ayana San.Technically, it can be interpreted as the 30 % members of the Ayanjiga are limited to the Pacific region, so it is not suitable for a broader Indo -Pacific environment.AOIP does not mention Ayana III, which may convey the geopolitical signal that Yajia'an currently has no thought about East Asian community, although it is still the official long -term goal.From East Asia to the Asia -Pacific region, to the current Indo -Pacific region, Asia's Danian's open regionalism is enhanced, and East Asia's identity as a geopolitical structure will continue to dilute, although East Asia's economic integration is deepening35%in 2005 increased to 40%in 2016, while the US share decreased from 20%to 15%).

However, this hug of the Indo -Pacific concept does not mean that the strategic prospects of Yaxian will cover the complex situation of the Indian Ocean international relations, nor does it mean that the mechanism led by Asia will soon be opened to the Indian Ocean coastal countries, because AOIP indicates that it will indicate that it will indicate that it will indicate that it will indicateKeep its existing form.In other words, AOIP is still centered on Southeast Asia, and at the same time, it is more actively exploring cooperation with other regions and sub -regional mechanisms in the Asia -Pacific and Indian Ocean regions in specific interests.One of the mechanisms is the recently received great interest in Indonesia and actively participating in the ring Indian Ocean regional cooperation alliance.India's status as a regional order emerging power center has become increasingly important, and it has also promoted this western expansion.This is the continuation of the strategic prospects of the Asianianan. It has previously attracted India to participate in the Asian Simpan Forum, the East Asian Summit and the Asianfa Eighth National Defense Minister of Defense, as well as the negotiations between the regional comprehensive economic partnership (RCEP).

The combination of Indo -Pacific to Asian security may be the most important significance of AOIP.From 2018 to early 2019, India has always been the most controversial point in the internal discussion of Asia.One of the concerns is that Ya'an's embrace of Yintai may be regarded as recognition or support for FOIP, which will bring two issues to Axian.First of all, what does FOIP mean and how it will be implemented within the Sifang security dialogue mechanism. It is still unclear.As Singapore's Foreign Minister Victoria said, the so -called free and open Indo -Pacific region has not yet sufficient consensus, and unless we know what it means, we will never sign any agreement.Even the four members of the Quartet Security Dialogue, although they hold a common position in maintaining regional order based on the rules and the common strategic concerns of China, each member provides how to pursue free opening of India's strategy in foreign policies.Unique expressions.This may be a choice that is deeply considerate, not lack of coordination.

Secondly, the most important concern of Yajian member states is unwilling to accept Indo -Pacific, and the use of this term will cause China to surprise.Although the Belt and Road Initiative is essentially an Indo -Pacific strategy with Chinese characteristics, Beijing has not yet prepared to accept the term.So far, China has a disdainful attitude towards FOIP. Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi calls it a sea bubble in the Pacific Ocean or the Indian Ocean, which may get some attention, but it will dissipate soon.However, behind this disdainful attitude is Beijing's strategic anxiety, which means that India has too many U.S. agenda, and establish alliances with Japan, Australia and India to curb China.In view of Beijing's sensitivity to the word Indo -Pacific and the retention of Foip, the Indo -Pacific concept of Ayanan must be qualitatively distinguished from FOIP.

Indian -oriented India

AOIP will shift its attention from strategic competition to economic functional cooperation.In other wordsAsiabean hopes to avoid and use the competitive situation of large powers through development -oriented methods.This method emphasizes mutual benefit cooperation, and the establishment of the development and prosperity of the Indo -Pacific region of all parties.On the one hand, Axian recognizes the security MDASH that is arguing in this area; economic relations, that is, each major economic initiative of these large powers has potential strategic driving factors or influence, whether trade or connectivity.On the other hand, Axian tried to dilute the abstract strategic security situation and pay attention to actual economic development cooperation.

AOIP has not regarded the combination of the Asia -Pacific and Indian Ocean as an independent geographical construction.This is a fact, because there is a huge difference in the terrain, people, history, social and cultural structures and international relations of the two oceans.On the contrary, AOIP looks at the integration of the Asia -Pacific and Indian Ocean from two angles: 1. Vibrant economic integration and connectivity areas; second, seamless marine space.

The perspective of economic integration and connectivity aims to achieve economic potential by putting together the free trade agreement in existing or negotiating, and multiple connectivity initiatives that emerge in this area.This includes China's leading Belt and Road Initiative, Japan -led high -quality infrastructure partner plan, the United States' international development financial company, Asian Development Bank, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, the overall planning of the Asian Sea Interconnection, and the Greater Mekong sub -region.

This view shows that the attention to connectivity is a key area for AOIP cooperation.It also elaborates the above -mentioned realistic practices, that is, the use of the competition of various infrastructure initiatives using the great powers, while avoiding the dual debate of infrastructure to develop geopolitics.The inclusive outlook of Ya'an is no longer this binary choice, but pays attention to connecting connecting connecting, that is, the establishment of a collaborative and bridge role of different connectivity initiatives in the Indo -Pacific region.This is economical.

The second view is that India is a seamless marine space.Maritime cooperation is one of the three key areas of AOIP, and the other two are the goal of connectivity and sustainable development.However, AOIP did not refer to India -Pacific geopolitical fields (this statement was initially proposed by Indonesia, and there was obvious military connotation).Asianan may want to avoid any puppets that can be interpreted as support or participating in the Indo -Pacific military alliance or alliance.

This caution is reflected in the specific issues of AOIP maritime cooperation.Compared with the extensive economic and functional marine fields, including unsustainable marine resources mining, marine pollution, maritime multinational crimes, maritime connectivity and blue economy and marine scientific cooperation, traditional security issuesIt has not attracted great attention with freedom of navigation and flying.

The development -oriented method, more regarded India as an economic and connected construction, helps to present the neutral and harmless outlook of Yajia'an to India, and will not be used to fight or siegeBlock any country.This signal is mainly for China, and the Asianan country knows its aversion to the word Indo -Pacific.

AOIP focuses on development, and also carries the imprint of the Pragian Foreign Policy of the Indonesian government.This foreign policy aims to transfer Indonesia's economic interests, especially the connectivity between the Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean, as well as marine garbage and illegal, not reporting, or marine environmental resources such as fishing, and to transfer it to the Indian agenda of the Aya'an Anti -Pacific agenda.Essence

AOIP is the area of the area of Ya'an

Although the proposal of AOIP is not the same as the paradigm of the strategic culture of the Asian dimension, it is a useful document for Asianan and its member states.It represents Ayan's own point of view in many competing expositions, providing a common script for the member states of Asianan to deal with external pressures forced to express their positions in Indo -Pacific strategic expressions.In addition, by adopting AOIP, the member states of Asians in the Indo -Pacific discussion chose to rely on Ya'an, not any major power.In this sense, Axian provides regional pillars, so that individual member states will not go between big powers.

AOIP also clarifies the sound and role of Ayan in the Indo -Pacific region, especially while managing strategic competition challenges, digging the potential of economic and connectivity.The difference between it and the platform is to seek synergy and complementarity as much as possible.It has neither condemnation nor accepting FOIP or any other Indo -Pacific vision/strategy. Instead, as long as the ideas and interests are consistent, they will be open to cooperation opportunities.By ensuring that the open policy of Asia and the portal of all countries and partners, AOIP has strengthened the efforts of ASEAN to maintain multi -polarization in the region.Although Asian'an must be careful not to react excessively, extending its strategic vision to the Indian Ocean can open up new opportunities and partnerships for the Asian and its member states, while avoiding excessive dependence or binary choices of large powers.

However, it is unclear whether AOIP will have a significant impact on the strategic prospects of big powers, especially the United States and China.Both countries have expressed their support for the core position of Asian safety, and at the same time increase strategic competition through all means other than war.In addition, although AOIP is a balanced behavior in this competition, it is just a limited guide for individual member states when formulating strategic economic security decisions, such as whether to use Huawei equipment to lay 5G networks in the face of the United States forbidden Huawei.EssenceOn the surface, it can be said that regional order must be inclusive and coordinated with various initiatives, but when the global supply chain is facing the risk of splitting into two ecosystems in China and the United States, it is becoming more and more difficult to maintain this principle.

The author is Yusov Isa East South Asia Research Institute

Chief Researcher at the Asian Security Research Center

Original Institute of Institute on June 25th, ISEAS Perspective

Wu Hanjun Festival Translation

The development -oriented method, more regarded India as an economic and connected construction, helps to present the neutral and harmless outlook of Yajia'an to India, and will not be used to fight or siegeBlock any country.This signal is mainly for China, and the Asianan country knows its aversion to the word Indo -Pacific.