Source: China Times

Before World War II German religious leader Martin#8231; Nimora, wrote down the monument to the Boston Jewish Massacre: At first they chased the communist, I was not a communist, I didn't speak; then they pursued the Jews, I am not a Jews, I do n’t speak; later they chase the members of the union, I am not a member of the union, I continue to speak; since then they chase Catholics, I am a new faithful, I still do n’t speak; in the end, they rushed to me. No one has no one.Stand up and speak for me.

The repentance of Nimora was engraved with the indifference self -protection of the snow in front of the door, how to step on the people step by step, which eventually caused the charcoal tragedy of the spirit.Don't think that it is just a distant special case. The people must always be vigilant about the governors, because the governors have too many tools and Qiamenmen, and they can quietly take away the people's constitutional freedom and rights.

The Legislative Yuan recently amended the regulations on the Cross -Strait People's Relations, registered retired generals and stepped down administrative officers.Singing and chanting, such as obstructing national dignity, control is not limited to the mainland regions, and the circumstances can deprive the monthly retirement and receive a maximum penalty of 10 million penalties, or even recover retirement.

If you think you are a little common people, this matter has nothing to do with you, or it feels good for those veterans, please think about Nimora’s confession, and then think about it. If this is the first step in the process, continueWill it be terrible?

The Constitution guarantees the power and speech of everyone's free thoughts and remarks. As long as there is no means of stressing violence, everyone has equal personal actions, beliefs, and expression of freedom.Avoid the leakage of national emotional capital, but it is not allowed to go to the mainland to participate in political activities or salute the regime.This crime?The Tsai government opened a foreign -hanging foreign outside the Constitution, carrying the Afang Fang Sword Antiing and the former senior officials.Essence

Moreover, the scope of the provisions is wide and vaguely defined, and it is simply a mountain.The mainland party, government and military control all levels, and the national flag flutter when visiting any school. It is also a common practice to communicate the activity to ask the chief to speak.Facing the point where people make people out of their house?

The 1989 Asia Bank Annual Conference was held in Beijing. At that time, President Lee Teng -hui broke the old policy framework and sent the Minister of Finance Guo Wanrong to participate.At the opening ceremony, Guo Wanrong stood up in the "Volunteer Army" and the group members. Twenty years ago, our officials had such calmness, but the Tsai government is now tightly controlled by retired officials.When we were held in the mainland, we had to give up participation. Do we flash far away when we see each other's flag song?I am afraid that even the mainland did not expect his flag song to become a fatal weapon.

The intention of the Green Camp is to warn and punish those retreats and step -down officials who sing with the mainland. Indeed, this behavior is not good to the people in Taiwan.After the state's obligation, why did you choose the right to choose a behavior tendency by himself?Perhaps this kind of pro -China behavior will be cast aside by most Taiwanese people, but it is also their freedom to choose to be spurred.And if it is also a crime, why isn't everyone equal before the law, but just the retreat will be with the former senior officials?It is also advocating to change the national body. Why do Taiwan independence is a hero? There is no power to believe and expression in unity, and be punished by deprivation of property?Real freedom is what I do not agree with you, but I vowed to defend your right to speak. It is not only the right to speak with the same time as the power of the power. Otherwise, what is the same as that of the former authoritarian body?

With the banner of democratic defenders in Taiwan, the Tsai government stepped up step by step to do the act of expanding power to expand power. This is not worrying, and all these are hidden in the mood of fear and cannot get a fair right and wrong.Some people may see that they will be punished by the retreat that is too close to the mainland, but they can't see that this is an infringement of the overall freedom of the Taiwanese people.They come to the retreat, you don't speak; they come to the officer of the off -the -handed official, and you don't speak; they come to the media, and you don't speak.In the end you will find that you can't speak anymore.