Source: Ming Pao Society Review

The G20 summit is held in Osaka, and the international community generally focuses on trade issues. However, many people in Hong Kong are concerned about whether the summit will talk about Hong Kong issues during the summit.Most Hong Kong people oppose the amendment of the fugitive regulations. The target target is aimed at the SAR government.,Worth pondering.Oppositioning is to protect the uniqueness of Hong Kong under one country and two systems. Only small people seem to want to transform their uniqueness into independence, and even send out the appeal of liberating Hong Kong to the international community.Hong Kong will be pushed into the political way.

The government announced a temporary revision, and the demonstrators refused to receive the goods, asking the government to formally withdraw the repair and investigate the police's use force.Coinciding with the G20 summit this week, demonstrators believed that they should take advantage of this opportunity to pressure. Some netizens also initiated crowdfunding. Before the summit, political advertisements were published in multiple foreign newspapers in different Chinese newspapers.

The G20 Summit is a occasion to discuss global economic and financial issues. It is unlikely to touch the issue of Hong Kong.Some bilateral meetings between them.Earlier, US Secretary of State Pompeo said that if Xi special will happen, it will talk about Hong Kong.The Xi Special Conference held today, the US President Trump's expression on the issue of Hong Kong, all parties wait and see. At present, only the Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was mentioned in Hong Kong during the meeting on the third Thursday.

In the past, Hong Kong affairs were rarely mentioned in international occasions. Xi'an talked about Hong Kong. It was a breakthrough for those who wanted to internationalize the Hong Kong issue.How many practical effects, whether it is beneficial or bad for Hong Kong, and need to think about it.

According to the description of the Japanese official house chief, Abe's dispute over the Hong Kong fugitive regulations, mentioning the importance of the free opening of Hong Kong under one country, two systems, ... how to respond is unknown.Beijing has always opposed foreign interference in China's internal affairs, and it is often a matter of tough refutation, but after the meeting, China and Japan said that the overall atmosphere of Xi'an will have a good atmosphere.Development, ... also accepted Abe's invitation to visit the Spring Festival.At present, China and Japan want to improve relations to strengthen economic cooperation. The biggest difference between the two countries is trade issues and cruise disputes in Diaoyu Island.Abe mentioned Hong Kong in a light way to avoid heavy ways. The word of words reiterated the principle of one country and two systems, reflecting that Japan did not want to do it with Beijing for the issue of Hong Kong.

At the beginning of this year, the SAR Government proposed a revision of the fugitive regulations, allowing the fugitive to the Mainland, touched the public's trust in the mainland's judicial system, caused a strong rebound in society, and eventually forced the government to temporarily revise it indefinitely.Responsible for citizens' demands.Oppositioning is to protect the uniqueness of Hong Kong under one country, two systems, but the recent development of the situation has changed a bit.Although the main demands of the demonstrators, such as the formal withdrawal of the repair, investigating the police force, are obviously aimed at the decision of the SAR government, but the pressure of pressure has gradually shifted to the central government. The internationalization of Hong Kong issues is the specific sign.This steering is not only out of focus, but also makes the problem more complicated and does not conform to the interests of Hong Kong.

At the beginning of this year, the SAR government proposed a repair. Some people from the people went to Washington to talk about the practice issues, which caused a dispute over foreign affairs in Hong Kong.This week, Sanminaran held a rally in Central. It seems to be aware of the sensitivity of the matter in the G20 summit leader in multiple languages. It seems to be aware of the sensitivity of the matter.The content is probably focused on the practice and the demands of the demonstrators.

Whether it is local or foreign media, many reports have mentioned that demonstrators hold up a variety of slogans that call for the liberation of Hong Kong.In the West, when it comes to Free Hong Kong, most people will understand that it means liberating Hong Kong, not just Hong Kong freedom. As for slogans such as Please Liberate Hong Kong, it is not necessary to say more.When the anti -repair examples are more and more presented to Hong Kong independence, the situation may deteriorate.One country, two systems are the only way to live in Hong Kong, and Hong Kong independence will only force Hong Kong into the dead alley.If Hong Kong independence is trying to use anti -repair examples as a cover, while promoting and propagating and publicizing international support, the central government will definitely not sit down, and the Hong Kong situation will become extremely dangerous.