The heart is not as good as acting. In terms of the update of ideas and system innovation, it is the only way to reduce the gap between the north and the south and the realization of the balanced development of the country.

Recently, some media have published a speech by Huixinan, secretary of the Weifang Municipal Party Committee of Shandong, which has attracted the attention of many netizens.In this Shandong Municipal Party Secretary, he asked: What should I learn from the south? What should I learn from the south?In the report, Huixinan led the Weifang City Party and Government Expedition to conduct a week of inspection and study in the five cities in the south. After that, the city's emancipating the mind optimization environment accelerated the high -quality development seminar and expedited the high -quality development seminar.

In fact, after July last year, the secretary of the Shandong Provincial Party Committee Liu Jiayi and Governor Gong Zheng led the Shandong Provincial Party and Government delegation to the three provinces of Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Guangdong, to study and study in the south.Coincidentally, since last year, many northern provinces and cities such as Heilongjiang, Hebei, Shaanxi, Shanxi and other northern provinces and cities have sent the provincial delegations to the southern provinces and cities such as Guangdong, and other prefecture -level governments have followed up.Where is the gap between the return analysis and what to learn from the south is also a common topic in various places.

Although the exchange and learning between provinces and cities is a conventional action between the government, the northern provinces and cities have obviously hidden other profound meaning in the northern provinces and cities.One of the backgrounds is that the northern region and the southern region have a increasing gap in economic development, and even the gap between the north and the south between the academic circles and the people has even triggered a heated discussion among the north -south gaps.

Statistical data also confirms this. Before the founding of New China, before the reform and opening up, the economic share of the North and South was almost equal.In the 40 years of reform and opening up, the balance of the north and south economies has become increasingly inclined to the south.For example, in the top ten provinces in 2018, only Shaanxi is the northern province, and the five provinces with the bottom of the growth rate are located in the north.

Today, the southern economy accounts for more than 60%of the country's economic aggregate, and the northern economy accounts for less than 40%.Economic imbalances have led to a large number of resources such as population and capital into the south, and the north has become a net outflow of these resources.In the past five years, the number of cities in the southern region has accounted for about 80 % of the country, while the north is only about 20 %.

Behind the large economic gap is the gap of ideas.Reform is not only a change in institutional mechanism, but also changes in ideas.While the economy is developing rapidly, ideas must be followed, otherwise they will be out of date soon.In this regard, in recent years, the southern region has undoubtedly become more active in emancipating the mind in recent years.Taking Shenzhen as an example, the concepts of daring to be the world first, one step first, and daring to try, and other concepts have become the concept of the local government. It has continuously inspired Shenzhen to become the pioneers of reform and opening up.

Emancipating the mind creates conditions for system innovation.These system innovation includes innovation of market system and mechanisms of survival of the fittest and fair competition, government innovation of government system with a high -quality service system for high -tech industries, the status of the private economy subject, and the property rights system and ownership system innovation that emphasizes the role of the state -owned economy.aspect.

It is through continuous institutional innovation that many parts of the south can actively use a new round of scientific and technological revolution and vigorously promote the development of artificial intelligence, the Internet, and intelligent manufacturing.Many regions such as Guangdong, Zhejiang, Jiangsu and other real estate industries have successfully achieved transformation, upgrading and quality improvement, and increased urban employment positions, especially in high -end manufacturing and productive service industries, which has formed a virtuous circle of industries.

In contrast, in some places in the north, the old concepts are stagnant due to the observance of the old, waiting to wait and see, the superior, and the lower level.The backwardness of ideas has led to many problems such as slow conversion of old and new kinetic energy, slow industrial transformation and upgrading, lack of new economy and new business formats, and insufficient innovation and entrepreneurial policy incentives.

It should be said that it is indeed a big problem that can be proposed to learn from the south.However, after learning to visit the southern provinces and cities, I believe that there will be a lot of touch in the hearts of leaders at all levels of northern provinces and cities.However, the touch in my heart can only be transformed into specific actions. It is the only way to caught up with the update of ideological concepts and institutional innovation.

Source: Beijing News

Author: Li Changan