Professor Mao Shoulong, Executive Deputy Dean of the Public Policy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, pointed out that before the government introduced the rectification documents, it did not make such a full social risk assessment in accordance with the procedures, and it would cause such a great response.He also believes that the government's remediation of foreign place names when the Sino -US trade war and domestic nationalism are rising, which is easy to make people guess in the direction of the battle of East and West.

The practice of rectifying the place names in some localities in China has caused controversy. The Ministry of Civil Affairs requested various places yesterday to accurately grasp policies to prevent randomly expanding the scope of rectification.

Scholars of interviewees believe that many places are the products of the times. They can be regarded as historical, without centralized governance, and they should avoid one -size -fits -all and overkill when implementing policies.

The Ministry of Civil Affairs, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Natural Resources, the Ministry of Housing and Urban -Rural Development, the Ministry of Transport, and the State Administration of Market Supervision issued a notice in December last year, requiring the regulations of the following four types of place names before June this year:Chongyangmei, deliberate exaggeration, weird and difficult to understand, and the same name, referred to as big, foreign, strange, heavy.

In less than half a month before the period, Hainan, Fujian, Zhejiang and other places have recently launched an irregular list name, causing public opinion to rebound.

For example, Hainan Province originally required the Vienna International Hotel to change its name because Vienna was a foreign place name, and Chongyang Meiwai.The hotel responded that the Vienna Hotel was a registered trademark and could not be changed.

In the comments of the Times Ye Quan in the Legal System Daily the day before, Ye Quan pointed out that according to the place name management regulations promulgated by the State Council in 1986, the name of the hotel and store name was not within the scope of the place name.Therefore, Hainan Province has also included hotels and store names on the list of rectification, and lacks legal basis.

For another example, the apartment in Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, Middot; Manhattan's rectification became Middot; Manha Tun, and netizens lamented that the people in the city changed from foreign vitality to rustic.

Some netizens pointed out that Sanlitun in Beijing was just a small village, and now it has become one of the most prosperous and most foreigners gathered in Beijing. Is it because of the inconsistent geographical geographical geographical situation of geographical names?

The WeChat Public Island of the People's Daily Overseas Edition proposes that the rectification notice requires that the name of the feudal colors is required to change it. So how can the Wangfujing in Beijing be changed?

For another example, the Dongfeng Bridge in Zhangzhou, Fujian, deliberately exaggerated to the Dongfeng Bridge because of the name deliberately exaggerating, but some netizens pointed out that many bridges that seem to be small today may be the largest bridge in the early years.Some netizens have proposed that according to the logic of rectification, Zhongnanhai, where the office of important central government agencies, also has the name exaggeration, because there is only a lake in Zhongnanhai without a sea, and it can be changed to Zhongnan Lake.

The name of the community has taste characteristics

Professor Mao Shoulong, Executive Deputy Dean of the Public Policy Research Institute of Renmin University of China, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the name of the name of the commercial community with Yangwen appeared after about 2000 years.Do too much interference for the names taken by Shang for the community.Consumers were more willing to believe in foreign brands at that time, but with the quality of domestic brands, the names of the community have become more and more tasteful and traditional.

Mao Shoulong said: History should be viewed as history.In the early days of reform and opening up, it was not just the names of the commercial community. Even the names and personalized license plates, such as the names of the people, once appeared some names that sounded lsquo; strange rsquo;.I think this is the uncomfortable phenomenon after the collision of order collision in the process of reform and opening up, and it will gradually adjust it naturally over time without the need for centralized rectification.

He pointed out that the government did not make such a full social risk assessment in accordance with the procedures before the government was promulgated.He also believes that the government's remediation of foreign place names when the Sino -US trade war and domestic nationalism are rising, which is easy to make people guess in the direction of the battle of East and West.

Ye Quan pointed out in the comments that, in accordance with the regulations and implementation rules of 1986, it cannot be named by foreigners and place names. Therefore, the government's basis for listing foreign names into the renovation list is the law rather than the so -called Chongyang Mei.

He wrote that the regulations also stipulated that a county or city cannot be replaced.From this point of view, in this rectification operation, it is defined as an irregular manifestation form, foreign, strange, and heavy miles. There is only a legal basis for foreign and heavy.The rectification of the place name is obviously unknown, and there is no basis for the law.He believes that the main problem of this place name rectification operation is that the government has not gained governance according to law.