Chen Fangsheng said that he was surprised by the senior adviser to the Hong Kong government.(Bloomberg)

(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) On Wednesday, a large -scale demonstration against the amendment to the amendment of the fugitives on Wednesday, some US members expressed their concerns about the amendment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government.Chen Fangsheng, former director of the Government Department of Hong Kong, believes that this move is of great significance, and said that a large number of people hope that the Hong Kong government can withdraw the draft of the amendment and formally conduct a consultation to formulate a draft of the more acceptable repairer for the entire Hong Kong society.

When Chen Fangan was interviewed by Bloomberg yesterday, the host asked the Hong Kong Chief Executive Lin Zheng Yue'e and the former Security Director and the current Legislative Councilor Ye Liu Shuyi all claimed to repair the example.The refuge of mainland criminals?

Chen Fangsheng pointed out that the signing of extradition treaties between other countries and China is an agreement between the two sovereign independent countries, and the fugitive regulations are just a formal agreement between the Chief Executive of China and the Beijing leader.

The problem here is that we completely do not trust the judicial system and criminal system of mainland China; if the repair is approved, no one in Hong Kong will feel safe.After all, our personal safety and freedom are guaranteed by the joint statement of Sino -British and the Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Chen Fangsheng said that Lin Zhengyue had heard the sound of all strata from Hong Kong and overseas that did not support the current amendment, but the senior advisers of the Hong Kong government did not advise the premiere to listen to the demonstrators, and we were very surprised.

She also believes that the draft of this repair is very controversial, and the Hong Kong government does not comply with regulations. It will bypass the draft committee and submit the draft directly to the Legislative Council voting, which is unacceptable.

When it comes to the concern of the US councilor for the repair, Chen Fangsheng said that the United States is the largest trading partner in Hong Kong. Based on the two completely different systems in the United States and mainland China, the US MDASHEnjoy a special relationship.Once this regulation is passed, the United States will re -examine the special treatment obtained by Hong Kong.

Chen Fangsheng said: The United States has very legitimate interests in Hong Kong. Like Canadian, Australian and EU member states, it is a stakeholder.They all expressed concerns (the regulations of the Hong Kong Government).

Chen Fangsheng visited the United States in March of this year and two legislators of the Legislative Council, and discussed the Hong Kong issue with US members and officials.