Opposition to revise the rules of fugitive regulations and the peaceful demonstration eventually evolved into violence, radicals impacted the police's defense line. Police drove road demonstrators with weapons such as rubber bullets and bag bombs, and government qualitative incidents were riots.Hong Kong society is turbulent again, and the development of the situation is distressing.Hong Kong people must be defended by peaceful and legal demonstrations. However, the police to stop illegal occupation are also the responsibilities. All parties must calmly restrain and avoid the spread of violence conflicts.The wildfire is endless. The government must face reality. Even if they can disperse the demonstrations today, they may come again tomorrow; demonstrators will face reality. Today, the Legislative Council meets the meeting, and it may not be able to stop it forever.The repair problem must be dealt with within the institutional system. Peace demonstration urges the Legislative Council conscience to vote, which can avoid conflicts and reduce harm to Hong Kong.

Auditers stir up violent behavior of incidents should be condemned

In violent incidents, 72 were injured, including police officers and demonstrators, as well as journalists.Police described radical demonstrators as mobs, attacking police officers with sharp iron branches and bricks.Some demonstrators and sympathy have accused the police from using force, causing the demonstrators to be injured.The revision of the storm makes Hong Kong society tore again. How to look at this chaos, many people actually return to the edge based on political stances. Just look at the TV picture they want to see and say that they want to believe in the discussion, not seeking truth from facts.

Starting from the dispatch of the radical demonstrators yesterday morning, the major TV stations have always followed the live broadcast of the major TV stations. As long as they are willing to treat things objectively, they should admit that the peaceful assembly of the government headquarters suddenly becomes occupied.Instead, they are based on a group of radicals in black. They are prepared and their actions are very organized.The police initially adopted a restraint on the demonstrators occupying multiple streets. They did not have a clear field. Until around 3 pm, some radical demonstrators hit the police line and advanced to the Legislative Council.Counterattack, drive the road occupied people.

Whether the police use force to be in harmony and be injured and innocent can investigate and review afterwards. If it is confirmed, it should be condemned; some radicals to launch violent attacks are also iron -like facts, and must be strongly condemned.All sectors should distinguish between thugs from other peaceful demonstrators. They cannot see their violent behavior of violence because of their political stance, and they are disguised.Director of Police Lu Weicong once described the incident as a riots. After that, the police release and Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue were riots.From a legal perspective, Hong Kong is only crime of riots and no crime of riots. On the eyes of Chinese words, the two have subtle differences in the scale level, and the riots give people a more serious perception, but British language is the same word RioT.The definition of Riot is that a group of people destroy the peace order with viciousness.Looking at the violent act of radicals with ordinary heart, it should admit that there is a riots or riots yesterday.

In trouble in Hong Kong, it became the focus of international. Perlis, the president of the House of Representatives of the United States Congress, warned that if the Hong Kong Government passed the practice and the US Congress had no choice, it would re -evaluate whether Hong Kong still enjoys a high degree of autonomy.Together, Beijing spanned to interfere with Hong Kong and China internal affairs.At present, Sino -US relations are tight. Washington's Hong Kong card is desperate. In the eyes of Beijing, Pelosi's statement is threatened to threaten the relationship between the Hong Kong government and the Central China and the central government.The wise move will only make Beijing be more to beware of foreign forces, and the Hong Kong Government's withdrawal of revisions will become almost zero.

Occupying the traffic paralyzed by the government headquarters, the Legislative Council cannot meet to meet for the review as scheduled. From the perspective of obstructing the meeting, demonstrators have temporarily achieved their goals, but the government also stated that it will not withdraw the repair.Essence

Hong Kong people do not love violence, why not suffer self -injury

Amend the regulations on the fugitive and touch the confidence of Hong Kong people in the Mainland.For the government, of course, the most ideal ending is that after the regulations are passed, everything is normal and normal.However, even if this ending can come true, the authorities must think about the real -time price.The government has violated the people's sentiment, and the authority of governance may not return; how deep the people are in the social turmoil to Hong Kong, it is unpredictable.The government is waiting for the most ideal situation, and the more secure approach is to temporarily suspend the practice. The other option is to let the Legislative Council members vote conscience and deal with the draft of the instance according to the system and procedures.

This time the government's failure was missed, causing a social rebound.At present, the people's conditions are really close to the 2014 occupation movement. However, the occupation of the occupation of that year was ended. Even if it really comes to occupying the movement 2.0, it may not necessarily help the anti -repair examples.Increase chaos and pay a greater price.Thinking that the pressure of radical violence must be stronger than the peaceful and rational struggle, it is a wrong idea that there is no scientific basis.Hong Kong people do not love violence, but hope that my city is safe.The seven major religious leaders of Hong Kong held a discussion to call on government citizens to seek solutions in restraint and peaceful ways. The principals of 10 colleges and universities also called on all parties to calm down.The demonstrators should think twice and fight against violence in self -harm. Whether it is really better than peaceful demonstrations to achieve the goal.