The Hong Kong Ming Pao published an article on a corporate comment article that the Hong Kong Legislative Council reviewed the draft amendment of the fugitive regulations today. Anti -repair group called on strikes to stop the city. Some people called on the Internet to take more intense means.The deeper the crisis, the more you need to talk about it, and think twice.Some people have called for Chinese banks to sell Hong Kong dollars to ignore the consequences of creating financial panic and irresponsible speech and should be strongly condemned.The Basic Law shows that Hong Kong people have the right to strike.The repair is a legislative affairs. The people can strive for reason, but in the end, it is still necessary to deal with it in the system. Voting by the Legislative Council conscience is a more proper way out.Never desirable.

Death intimidation and advocate the irritation of the brain's fever

The dispute over the practice ushered in a critical moment. The Legislative Council reserved two meetings for a total of 61 hours to review the repair. It is expected to vote next Thursday.Multiple anti -repair group groups were launched at government headquarters and the Legislative Council. The social welfare community, the students' union of colleges and universities, and some merchants launched strikes, strikes, and spanning.The government adheres to the practice and opposes the upgrade of the operation. The situation is difficult to reverse the situation in the next week. Now the most important thing in all aspects is calm restraint.The government should temporarily discuss the long -term plan. Oppositioning groups must also recognize the determination of the goal. Think about the impact and consequences of each action, and cannot lose the size.

Hong Kong is a rule of law. Most citizens agree that fighting for fighting is peaceful and rational, and should not be resorted to violence, let alone threatening others' lives.Yesterday, the Special Office of Special Office and the Department of Justice received a intimidation phone call and asked to withdraw the draft of the repair. Otherwise, it would be unfavorable to the Chief Executive Lin Zhengyue, Zheng Ruohuan, the director of the Law Department, and his family, including threatening to harm each other's life.Those who issued death and intimidation, even if they were just out of excitement, have actually violated criminal laws. As for threatening the family members of others, it is a rogue means.The intimidated people are mad because of politics and have reached the point of ignoring the law and ethical line. I can't take a statement of unreasonable government.

Because the disputes of the dispute and losing their minds, there are also some people who have called for HK $ and squeezed on the Internet.The Internet is full of irresponsible remarks. It is really no wonder, but some rumors can sometimes lead to serious consequences other than expected. They cannot be regarded as a playful drama.The older generation of Hong Kong people remembers that in the summer of 1983, China and Britain negotiated the future issues of Hong Kong. The citizens had a crisis of confidence, and the Hong Kong dollar degraded, causing the trend of buying in the supermarket, and the society was chaotic. Finally, the Hong Kong government launched the contact rate system.Gradually calm.The financial crisis affects each Hong Kong person, and any squeezing rumors and misunderstandings may trigger an unexpected butterfly effect, cause panic, shake the entire financial system, and harm the foundation of Hong Kong.If you do n’t want to know what you do, you need to make such irresponsible remarks, and the threat of death will also be severely condemned.

Action of fighting cannot be separated from reason.Death intimidation, or appeal to squeeze, even if it is a crazy language of individual characters, has not become a climate in the society, and irrational response to whether there is a tendency to spread in society, it still needs to pay close attention, and society must drink early.At this time, the fighting group must always be sober and reasonable to remind participants not to forget the original intention.The FDC emphasizes that a reflection assembly will be held in the four principles of peace, rationality, legality, and security. Each rally will notify the police. The attitude is worthy of recognition and hopes to implement it.As for the three problems, all parties must think about the impact of dictatorship. Consider the overall cost of society, and avoid getting hot and dry.

Students need to be handled without strikes without strikes

Article 27 of the Basic Law states that Hong Kong people enjoy the freedom of assembly, parade, demonstration and strike.However, any strike must be considered deeply and carefully evaluate the impact of citizens and even society.The daily life of the citizens cannot bear the toss of public transportation services such as railway buses, and various services such as medical treatment must be obtained in time.Hong Kong is a highly developed society. The division of labor in all walks of life is extremely fine. A long -lasting strike of an industry or institution may trigger the bone card effect, which has an unexpected impact on the society. The problem faced by the city is the same reason.One of the failures in the occupation movement in 2014 is that they have never wanted to quit arrangement. There is no section in advance and retreat. Experience must be recorded.Before the principal decided to strike, they must first think about a series of issues such as retreat, and they must not be hastily.

In the early summer of June, many colleges and universities have begun summer vacation. Except for individual colleges, the impact on college students has a relatively limited impact. However, most primary and secondary schools in Hong Kong are currently in the examination season.If higher middle school students want to express their opinions against the practice, they can participate in peaceful rally on the afterbath or Saturday and Sundays. They are not the only way they express their opinions, nor can they see why they must strike.Instead of deciding on their strikes, students are better to discuss with the school. They use classrooms or early meetings to in -depth discussions on the practice of the practice and recognize various discussions in the workshop.

Fighting cannot be blindly moved. Unless someone naive believes that the revolution is out of the way, everything must be processed within the system according to the mechanism and procedures. The issue of conscience of the Legislative Council is a more proper approach.Before taking any struggle, you must first think about the goals and means, and avoid upgrading to upgrade.It is thought that the use of self -harm to putting pressure on the government is the best strategy. It is actually burned by jade.If you do n’t have to do it, it is possible to destroy our city without the purpose.