The general debate of the 72nd UN General Assembly was held at the United Nations headquarters of New York on September 25. US President Trump started his second trip to the United Nations.

In view of the special international status of the United Nations, although the United Nations University is held in New York, it cannot be regarded as home diplomacy in the United States.But Trump's disappearance still caused him to encounter a lot of embarrassment: when he was like participating in other political rally in the United States, he boasted on the podium in less than two years, and my government obtainedBig achievements than almost any of the governments in American history.

When this is the case, more than 200 representatives of more than 200 countries here gave unwilling to laugh, and the ridicule quickly gathered into a wave of laughter.Trump bluntly did not expect this response, and representatives from all over the country may not expect what kind of message Trump's speech would convey.

U.S. President's attending the University of the University has always been regarded as an important time to show the leadership of the United States. However, for Trump, the United Nations University is the same as that of all spotlights. It is his stage to show his stage.In such occasions such as the United University, in the face of representatives of various countries that are deeply harmed by unilateralism in the United States, Trump can actually brag about the so -called political achievements of his internal affairs.However, it can gain more support and recognition in the internal affairs.

Trump's unsatisfactory is because he does not need to please the international community, but also disdain to cater to the institutionalist of the United States that attach importance to international multilateral diplomacy.This unscrupulous display of anti -tradition and anti -building ignorance and arrogance is the huge split of the United States for globalization of the United States responsibility and obligations in the United States.

And Trump himself directly benefits in this expanding tear: the more domestic politics tears, the more pressure on the standing team in the political public opinion field will be greater.With the increase in the pressure of most of the silent edge stations, everyone's opposition to the division and chaos of everyone will make Trump's supporters' camps more expanded and extreme.

After talking about the United States priority at the United University last year, after triggering the participants' side, at the current United Nations University, Trump's rolls come back, and he has intensified the domestic politics, claiming that the United States has suffered so -called unfairness in the field of international trade and international assistance.Treating and even brought ideological confrontation and racial discrimination into the UN lecture hall. His ignorance of international affairs and the arrogance of the international community reached a new height.

This language is not amazing to do, not only reasonable and expected.Since taking office, anti -construction and populist have become a distinctive label that is different from the president of the United States.

If these labels can still break the dull atmosphere of American politics during the campaign, since he officially in power, the United States and the world are dragged down by his dislikes of order and tradition.He disrespects women and cannot listen to objections. He expresses his own arrogance and natural closeness to populism by expelled from those who disappear and scolds on Twitter.

Although he stated in social media and interviews that the media should give him the respect that he deserves, but in international occasions, he frequently attracted the loss of meaning, repeatedly disclosure the staff who lost his trust, and the dirty words of the renovation of the opponents.No accident has become one of the most valuable and scarce leadership elements in Trump in the White House.

American exit and fading

Trump is tired of and hates multilateralism in international affairs, believes that multilateral mechanisms have limited the absolute advantages of the United States to play their own, hindering the United States to obtain exclusive interests.It is for this reason that Trump is turning the international responsibility of the United States, the international mechanism created, the international order that maintains, the international public products provided, and the international influential weaponization of international cooperation.Blind the weapon of the alien.This is undoubtedly the biggest deconstruction factor for multilateralism.

This is the first time since the end of World War II. For the first time, the President of the United States has been publicly and fully expressed in international occasions that he is unwilling to bear more international responsibilities and refuses to strengthen the international influence of the United States. It is also after the Cold War.It is mentioned that some countries pose a threat to the United States in ideology.

Trump believes that the United States from the international community is not as equal to the United States for the international community.Under the strong ruling style of populism, the United States' exclusive realization of its own interests in the international multilateralism system has contributed to the exit of the United States.

In Trump's discourse system, the alliance relationship is not a noble share of common value, and the baht that also pays attention to real interests must be compared.The narrow behavior of these unilateralism has abandoned a series of diplomatic spirit established by the United States since World War II, disintegrated the conservative tradition of American politics and diplomacy, dilute the inclusiveness and ideal colors of universalism, and led to its diplomatic concept.The fading of the appeal of ideology and the derogation of international reputation.

Trump loudly scolded Iran, Venezuela and other US enemies, but did not leave too much imagination for allies.Compared with the United States President, Trump's attitude towards the alliance's obligations is more inclined to pragmatism, and Bitter Trump himself claims that the pragmatic realists claim to be more utilitarian.In his opinion, alliance relations must also be weighed in a balance of priority in the United States.

In his speech, Trump took the actual interests such as assistance, trade, and energy as the performance assessment indicators of allies.Although there is no consequences of failure to meet the standards, in view of his decisive attitudes and regardless consequences of the decisive attitude and regardless consequences of treating Japanese and European, Canada and other traditional allies.

What about the United States?

Trump mentioned Monroeism in the 19th century in the United University's speech, which seemed to intend to use Monroeism as the historical origin of his US priority strategy.Although in more people's impressions, the United States seems to be described as a Fate to be a Global Power, but the first announcement of the United States on the international stage was called isolated by later generations.

In 1823, the US President James Middot; James Monroe proposed to Congress the national information disciplined by John Middot; Qinxi Middot; Adams.The three principles of non -interference and the American system are called Monroeism.

However, Trump may misunderstand that the reason why President Monroe wants to draw a line with Europe is that the opponents are the 19th century European imperialism interfere with American affairs by colonial hands and threaten the security and interests of the United States.The same policy prescription does not play a role in global opponents that Trump's imagination of Trump in the 20th century.

Compared with Monroe, Central America is the creed of Americans, the United States is the United States' US priority strategy, which seems to be more in line with the definition of isolation.

At the UN General Assembly Camp, Trump, Trump delivered a designed to promote unilateralism and narrow nationalism, claiming that the United States had assumed excessive international responsibility provocative speech.In addition to the confusing ignorance and arrogance, another fact that cannot be avoided is that after the Cold War is over, the unilateral action in the United States is becoming more and more frequent, and it is rarely subject to rigid constraints.Conservation and even encouragement.

Since entering the 21st century, with the highlights of global issues such as the financial crisis, the war on terrorism, and climate change, Global Good Governance has become an urgent issue.The long -term lag of the development of multi -level stability pattern in post -war international relations is the core of the current international governance crisis.

The role of the United States in international multilateral cooperation is transformed from a constructor to a understanding of the constructor, and it brings out the propositions of the United States after leaving.Can international multilateral cooperation cannot be advanced?The answer is obviously negative.Starting from its own interests, Trump adopts a utilitarian attitude towards international multilateral mechanisms. This does not deny the value of multilateralism.

On the contrary, this is notAfter the US president in common, the destructive power shown by his self -use and lonely behavior has proved the importance of international rules and international practice frameworks more from the opposite side.In this sense, what Trump opposes is the necessity of multilateral mechanism to international governance.

The author works at the Jilin Provincial Academy of Social Sciences Japan Institute

In Trump's discourse system, the alliance relationship is not a noble share of common value, and the baht that also pays attention to real interests must be compared.The narrow behavior of these unilateralism has abandoned a series of diplomatic spirit established by the United States since World War II, disintegrated the conservative tradition of American politics and diplomacy, dilute the inclusiveness and ideal colors of universalism, and led to its diplomatic concept.The fading of the appeal of ideology and the derogation of international reputation.