Early special manuscript

When the Kuomintang Mayor's candidate South Korea Yu was running for the party chairman at the beginning of last year, he lamented that the people in Taiwan had a lot of differences in the Kuomintang and the Democratic Progressive Party.The spicy Korean Yu said at the metaphor at the time that the Taiwanese looked at the DPP and painful as they were born, and forgive everything whether they did something wrong. The Kuomintang was very mean and harsh.Taking Kaohsiung's air explosion as an example, even if it is scolded (the DPP), if the Kuomintang ruling will be incredible.

The example of Korean Yu was a serial air explosion incident that took place in many sections of Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City on August 1, 2014.This tragedy that caused 32 people and 321 people was the largest public security accident in Taiwan's history.

The room leak was raining in the night. At that time, the air -explosive area encountered a flooding area. In the face of the pressure of the outside world, Chen Ju was scolded by the people and apologized frequently.However, these incidents did not harm Hua Ma's high popularity and support. At the end of the same year, the mayor's elections still won with high votes and successfully re -elected.

What is not affected by the ingenuity also includes Chen Ju's deputy Wu Hongmou at the time.After the air explosion, four municipal officials headed by deputy mayor Wu Hongmou resigned as responsible, but the public information showed that Wu Hongmou, who was transferred to the city government consultant, was the deputy mayor after four months.

After the Democratic Progressive Party returned to governance in 2016, Wu Hongmou was rumored to serve as a member of the Executive Yuan under the recommendation of Chen Juli. In July this year, he continued to rise step by step and control the Ministry of Communications.Although many Internet sour people ridiculed these green officials because of their value and directly promoted their officials, the reality is that the general public in Taiwan, especially that most young people are in fact, which indirectly confirms the helplessness in South Korea ’s Yukou.

Recently, the DPP's central governance can be described as uncomfortable. Among them, the most watched by the media belongs to the East Factory incident that the Executive Yuan promotes the transformation of the Justice Committee (referred to as promoting transfer).Just listed in May this year, the promotion of the historical truth and promoting social reconciliation will have amazing controversy. Zhang Tianqin, the deputy chairman appointed by the Executive Dean Lai Qingde, actually discussed the role of the East Factory who promoted the transfer internally.He threatened to attack Hou Youyi, the candidate for the Kuomintang New Taipei Mayor, and he felt very contented in the ruling party's election fighter.

Because President Tsai Ing -wen focused on the righteous transformation when he took office two years ago, this political scandal naturally set off a huge wave in Taiwan's politics, but outside the political circle, it was almost quiet.

At that time, the young people who had advocated an open, transparent, and justice in the Sun Flower Student Games were silent. The DPP government, which recognized the loss, also cut off the damage point and Zhang Tianqin, indicating that it was unintentionally reorganized and promoted the transfer.Support transformation justice.If the Kuomintang has always been closely grasped, this incident has long been eliminated by Taiwan's rapid news cycle.

Of course, if the young people in Taiwan have a blind eye to the DPP, they are not fair.Throughout the polls, the support of the DPP in the youth group is falling steadily. From Tsai Ing -wen to the candidates for the mayor of the county at all levels, the support or trust at the age of 20 to 29 is miserable.Green state.

Some analysts pointed out that such a large -scale shift of young people reflects a wave of anti -construction. Moreover, the youth policy pushed by the Tsai Ing -wen government, such as high basic salary, relaxation of school loans, and building more social housing.Solve the crisis of young people.

However, compared with the indignation of the Legislative Yuan of the Sun Flower Student Games four years ago, it is difficult for outsiders to notice that there is a significant difference in the performance of the young people's dissatisfaction with the DPP and the Kuomintang.There have been seniors who have pointed out that in the past, anti -China and China had been the most effective quilt of young people's emotions. In addition, the Kuomintang had always been unable to be young, and disputes about the service of cross -strait service trade were easily aroused strongly at the time.

However, as mainland China has continuously sacrificed a large number of magnetic suction policies in the past two years, Taiwan youths are gradually fading from back to doubts, and then to exploration (cable).Liao Daqi, a professor of Kaohsiung Zhongshan University, believed in the interview that from the perspective of the non -resolved president of Taiwan University, there were many young people who opposed the DPP.Essence

Regardless of the Kuomintang or the Democratic Progressive Party, it is an indisputable fact that traditional blue -green is losing a large number of young people. How will this key ethnic group be turned, and more than 50 days of local elections may reveal some clues.