Ming Pao News Agency

Last week, an article circulating on the Internet that the private economy should gradually fade out, which caused a lot of arguments. The official high -profile refutation did not reflect on Andrdquo;It is impossible to be replaced by germination. However, in recent years, the business environment has turned off, resulting in difficulty in operating private enterprises, which will cause the theory point to resonate. The country must not only reiterate the position in policy, but also need to further reform with practical actions to improve the business environment.Provide room for development for the private economy.

This article entitled "The Historical Economic Affairs of the Private Economy Complete History" pointed out that China ’s development of the private economy was to“ assist the public economy to achieve leapfrog development andrdquo; today, this task has been initially implemented.The private economy should not continue to expand blindly. A new form of public and private hybrid economy, more concentrated, more united, and more large -scale, will be likely to show a larger and larger proportion of Andrdquo; in the new development of the socialist market economy and society.

The author also put forward a point of view on the current international environment: And "A number of Western countries such as the United States began to be consciously encirclement. At this time, if the country's power cannot be concentrated, the market is completely allowed to speak, and the road of economic liberalization is completely.China's economic and social reform and opening up will face unimaginable pressures and resistance. The advantages and results that have achieved may gradually lose. Anandrdquo;

The author Wu Xiaoping is not a famous economist or a famous politicalist. However, because the argument of the article is fresh, it will attract widespread attention in a short time and cause a large -scale discussion.Unnecessary guess includes that the central leadership of the private economy and "unload and kill donkeys Andrdquo;, and the historical task of the private economy must be completed,"In the early days of liberation, the "public -private partnership Andrdquo; policy, the private economy will be annexed or Andrdquo; unsteady inference is that Deng Xiaoping's reform and opening up policy will end.

Occupied more than 60 % of Andnbsp; the private economy is important

Those who know a little about China's economic structure are not difficult to conclude: the above speculation is nonsense.The private economy has now accounted for more than 60 % of the national economy. Whether in creating employment positions, contributing to taxation and economic development, it has an irreplaceable effect.It is unpredictable, especially in terms of creativity and application innovation technology, private enterprises are indispensable, and rigid state -owned enterprises are simply difficult to look back.

The reason why an article is widely circulated and caused infinite conjecture. The reason is very simple, that is, private enterprises encounter difficulty in operating.The operating environment is related to the rest of the development space. The private economy is mostly small and medium -sized enterprises. It is very weak in terms of capital strength and scientific and technological content. Economic transformation is not conducive to traditional labor -intensive enterprises. Private companies are very sensitive to the market environment.The domestic market is weak, and it is the private company that is the first. This is a innate structural problem;

In recent years, the country has reduced taxes to small and medium -sized enterprises and canceled various administrative charges, but the tax rate is still high. Once the market fluctuates, private companies with low ability will be difficult to sustain;The Prime Minister's government work report mentioned that the bank is required to tilt the policy in terms of policy, but the large banks are state -owned.P>

The most difficult thing is that the system of market access. For some industries monopolized by state -owned enterprises and central enterprises, private enterprises cannot divide a share, and can only make some profit in the downstream market.But they all encountered the manufacturing resistance of the interest group of state -owned enterprises and returned without success.

Article Luoyang Paper and Andnbsp; Government refute weakness

In encountering various difficulties in the private economy, there are no complaints, and there is an argument that everyone does not believe on the Internet. Whether it is out of anger or helpless, it has forwarded it, and there is no discussion on the Internet for a while.This phenomenon has aroused official concerns, and major official media have organized a statement of refutation, but the argument is nothing more than quoting documents or leaders of the CCP conference, and clarifying that this argument is not a central policy.The refutation of these official media is pale and weak, because there is no root cause of the problem.

Netizens' reposting does not mean that they believe that the information of the comment article is true, and it should be understood that they have a silent accordance with the lack of efforts to reform.State -owned enterprises and state -owned enterprises monopolize national resources and obtain huge benefits for high -level remunerations that have repeatedly expanded. Enterprises losses, and management does not need to bear responsibility.

In recent years, although there are restrictions on state -owned enterprises Andrdquo; profits, but thoroughly reforming state -owned enterprises still only smell the stairs, as long as the state is determined and increased its efforts in the reform of state -owned enterprises, the market that can be released is huge.The economic life pulse, such as oil mining and refining, certainly requires state -owned enterprises to bear it, but why is gasoline sales still monopolized by state -owned enterprises?

Private enterprises do not need national support. As long as discrimination is canceled in the business environment, the market can guide the development direction of private companies.The emergence of e -commerce in recent years is an example. Online sales have no far -sources in terms of supply and market. Private companies do not need state guidance to support the entire e -commerce sky, which has caused the real economy.There is not much building in terms of tax cuts and reduction in operating costs.

An article that lacks substantial arguments can trigger uproar. The government needs to reflect on the lack of instead of creating the business environment, rather than organizing official media topics.