International non -governmental organizations issued a report that the freedom of academic and speech in Hong Kong was seriously retreat after implementing the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020.The Hong Kong government strongly condemned and opposed the report, saying that the content of the report was maliciously discredited, comprehensive, and questioned the authenticity of the report.

Human Rights Observation and the Hong Kong Democratic Commission on Tuesday (September 24) published a report of 80 pages of 80 pages.The freedom of the university's academic, speech, association, and peace assembly, and seriously retreats after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in 2020.

Report pointed out that students and faculty members of the eight major colleges, especially local scholars who specialize in political issues specializing in contemporary social political issues, believe that they must be careful because they only need to talk, research, write, teach, or even publish or even publish or even publish them.If there is a little mistake in the partnership, it will cause trouble.The report quotes unknown teachers and students. When discussing the issues of social political issues in Hong Kong and China, they will self -review themselves to avoid trouble.A few scholars said that they had been reviewed directly, and a scholar said it was reported to the police by the school for a paper.

The report said that the eight major colleges and universities interfered in the student union, cut off the administrative support for the Student Union, punished students who initiated peaceful protests and rally, and widened student publications, communication and activities.

The report calls on the government to immediately stop extensively targeting basic freedom, abolish the Hong Kong National Security Law and maintain the national security regulations, or comply with international human rights standards, and ensure that university governance and funding policies are exempted from political intervention and control.

A spokesman for the Hong Kong Government, in the press release, strongly condemned and opposed the above reports, and said that the content of the report was maliciously discredited and comprehensive.

The spokesman said that after the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong residents continued to enjoy various rights and freedoms, including the freedom of academic research, literary and artistic creation, and other cultural activities, freedom of publishing, freedom of rally, and freedom of association.Rights, etc., referring to Hong Kong residents to exercise their right to publish freedom in accordance with the law, including criticizing the government's policy or official decision -making based on facts.

The spokesman said: "We pay attention to the pseudonym of most interviewees referenced by the so -called report.It can be seen that the authenticity and credibility of the so -called report. "

Spokesperson also said that academic freedom is an important social value that Hong Kong has always respected and the foundation of success in Hong Kong's higher education community.The Hong Kong Government has been committed to maintaining academic freedom and autonomy of institutions, and both have been guaranteed by the Basic Law.These guarantees are clear and specific, and their effectiveness has never changed.Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong scholars and colleges and universities have continued to conduct normal exchange activities with overseas and off -campus partners.