Hong Kong polls show that Hong Kong citizens are inadequate to the satisfaction of living environment, the improvement of the disparity between the rich and the poor, and the supply of land and house supply.

According to the online media "Hong Kong 01" report, the Hong Kong -owned Party Democratic Party Federation commissioned the Hong Kong Public Opinion Center to visit 816 citizens from July 10th to 19th to score 12 people's livelihood projectsFull scores are 10 points and 5 points are qualified.

The most satisfactory people's livelihood project interviewed is transportation, with 6.37 points. After thatEquity 5.3 points, animal equity 5.24 points, environmental protection 5.2 points, assisting youth development and flowing up 5.03 points.

There are three other projects that are not qualified, but they have recovered from the survey of January this year.In terms of land and house supply 4.48 points, rising 0.16 points.

If they are divided by age, the scores given by young interviewees aged 18 to 40 are generally low, especially to improve the disparity between the rich and the poor is only 3.94 points.The score also ranks fourth, reflecting that young people have low satisfaction with the current situation of society.

In response to the three unqualified projects, the Democratic Union believes that these problems are all structural problems in Hong Kong and it is difficult to solve in a short time.Yan Wenyu, a member of the Legislative Council of the DPP, said that the issues of disparity between the rich and poor in Hong Kong will continue to be severe. He hopes that the Hong Kong government will continue to optimize the "on -the -job family allowance plan", add assistance allowances, and adjust the legal minimum wage calculation method, and further increase the resources of the child.

Chen Xuefeng, a member of the Legislative Council of the DAB, also suggested that the Hong Kong Government should formulate policies such as banning inferior mortuary within five years, comprehensive inspection of old buildings for more than 50 years old, to improve the living environment, and comprehensively review citizens in a comprehensive review of citizensRebuilding strategies and long -term housing strategies, raising the target of public housing buildings to 45,000.