Hong Kong people Liang Junkai (40 years old) last week with his wife and mother's first transit to Shenzhen, everything in front of him was amazing.

He told Lianhe Zaobao that the trip subverted his prejudice and stereotypes of some prejudice and stereotypes in mainland China.He said: "Here is much cleaner and convenient than I think, and the development of the city is comparable to Hong Kong, and some even surpass Hong Kong."

Although Shenzhen -Hong Kong is only separated by a river, but due to the impression of the mainland, Liang Junkai has not wanted to travel to the mainland in recent years. It was not until many friends around him recently started to be excited.He said, "After I came, I realized that what everyone said is a higher cost -effective consumption experience."

Since the resumption of customs clearance in Shenzhen and Hong Kong in January this year, Hong Kong people who travel to Shenzhen like Liang Junkai have continued to increase, and have become the main consumer forces in some shopping malls near the Shenzhen port and high -speed rail stations.After the summer vacation, this trend is even more obvious. From time to time, the social media Xiaohongshu can also see the posts that Shenzhen shopping malls are "occupied" and "squeezed" by Hong Kong people.

Data from the Immigration Office of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government show that Hong Kong residents have entered Shenzhen for more than 22.45 million in the past six months.On average, about 900,000 people enter Shenzhen every week.Statistics at the port office of the Shenzhen Municipal Government also show that as of August 6, Hong Kong people accounted for 70%of the entry and exit passengers in the Shenzhen Land Port.In July this year, the average of 480,000 passengers in Shenzhen and Hong Kong customs clearance was 78%of the same period in 2019.

Our reporter recently visited several shopping malls near the Futian High -speed Railway Station in Shenzhen. It was found that Hong Kong tourists can be seen everywhere, accounting for more than half of the shopping mall visitors.They are generally tuned in groups. Other obvious features include talking in Cantonese mixed with English, wearing sneakers and backpacks or crossbody bags.

People interviewed by Hong Kong pointed out that the main reasons for attracting them to consume in Shenzhen include Shenzhen's prices cheaper than Hong Kong, more choices, and convenient cross -border payment.In addition, the convenience of traffic interconnection between the two places has also led many Hong Kong people to choose to travel on the weekend.

The continuous depreciation of the renminbi has also stimulated the consumption boom in the north.Under the contact rate system, Hong Kong dollars linked to the US dollar to the RMB exchange rate from 0.86 at the beginning of the year and reached a high of 0.93 in early July, increasing the consumption power of Hong Kong people on the mainland.

Hong Kong people Sun Zhihua will go to Shenzhen two or three times a month, and the scope of the event is mainly in shopping malls near the port.In an interview, he said that the same dish, Shenzhen's price is 30%to 50%cheaper than Hong Kong, and can also get better services.

He said: "Because Hong Kong is small, many restaurants have restricted meals in order to turn a few more tables. We have to hurry every time we eat, and we have to look at the waiter's face."

Mr. Yi, a waiter of an Internet celebrity sauerkraut fish shop, said that Hong Kong customers accounted for 70 % or 80 % of their total traffic. Since the summer vacation, the business has doubled due to the surge in Hong Kong customers. The business has doubled.It reaches one and a half hours.

Ded Liangxing's data released in July this year shows that the passenger flow of Shenzhen shopping malls has increased significantly year -on -year. The average passenger flow of the first four months of the city and regional shopping malls increased by 68%and 46.8%respectively.There is an indispensable relationship to travel to Shenzhen.

Zhang Xiaoduan, deputy dean of the Dede Liangxing Research Institute and director of the Research Department of South China and Huazhong District, pointed out in an interview that the income and consumption level of Hong Kong people is generally higher than the mainland, but at the preferential exchange rate, as well as factors such as the relatively low labor costs and prices of ShenzhenBelow the superposition, Hong Kong people can enjoy higher cost -effective advantages in Shenzhen.

Zhang Xiaoduan said that more importantly, Shenzhen has developed rapidly in recent years, and more and more commercial projects have been developed. Mall operators have to introduce more brands and specialty stores to attract customers when facing fierce competition."This promotes the iterative upgrade of the mall and can better meet the diverse consumption experience that Hong Kong customers cannot obtain in Hong Kong."

Hong Kong, known as the "shopping paradise", has been one of the preferred choices for mainlanders in the past ten years. The scene of Luke's scanning of major cosmetics and brand stores in Hong Kong is still fresh.But now, as more and more Hong Kong people start to consume in the mainland, this trend has begun to reverse.

Zhang Xiaoduan believes that in the early years, the one -way cross -border consumption model mainly based on "going to Hong Kong consumption" has gradually turned to "two -way rush", reflecting the deep integration of Shenzhen -Hong Kong's economic and trade and personnel exchanges.

She said: "Hong Kong people and Cantonese are the same as the same, and there should be no such gap. The previous one -way cross -border consumption model that appeared before was because the mainland infrastructure and consumption environment had not yet reached the level of Hong Kong.Nowadays, the development of the two places in parallel, and it is natural for cross -border consumption to become two -way. "

Although the traffic of Shenzhen shopping malls has recovered significantly, the consumption of Hong Kong people is more concentrated in the fields of catering and some services, such as massage, nails, and haircuts. Consumption emotions have not been significantly boosted in general retail. Many clothing, electrical appliances, etc.The store is still deserted.

Ms. Huang, who sells ceramic utensils in the mall, lamented that her business did not improve because of the surge in Hong Kong people."They patronize some restaurants. Even if you buy a letter, you buy snacks and drinks, or buy some fruits and snacks at the supermarket."

Most people interviewed Hong Kong said that consumption on the mainland pays more attention to experience, rather than shopping.Zhang Bo, a mainland man who lived in Hong Kong for a long time, said: "Now Hong Kong is very convenient to buy things from mainland e -commerce, and can be delivered directly to Hong Kong. We don't need to buy it in a physical store, and it is troublesome to pass the level."

Zhang Xiao Duan pointed out that most of the consumption activities of Hong Kong people are limited to the business district near the port and high -speed rail stations, and the consumption field is limited.But she believes that as the exchanges between the two places continue to expand, more and more Hong Kong people will enter the different tourist experiences provided by other mainland cities in Shenzhen and the Greater Bay Area.Continued to increase.