For the Hong Kong Chief Executive Li Jiachao, the district council commented on the media of the district council, and many pro -Beijing media in Hong Kong published a comment that optimizing the composition of district councilors will improve the level of governance of Hong Kong.

Wen Wei reported on Wednesday (April 26) that the district council was an important part of the consultation structure, improved the regional governance structure, and removed the disadvantages of the general politicalization of the district council.It is necessary to absorb more suitable talents to join the District Council, so that the composition of the regional governance structure is more diversified, and the level of reflecting public opinion and serving the citizens.

The article states that I believe that the district council after the reform can further highlight the high -quality democracy, optimize the environmental environment, and allow more people from all walks of life to enter the district council and actively serve the government and the government and the government.The role of citizens' bridges contributes suggestions and suggestions for improving regional governance and promoting good governance.

The Grandpa published a social comment stating that Article 97 of the Basic Law clearly stipulates that the key to the reform of the district council is to return to the positioning of the "non -governmental regional organization" to strengthen the acceptance of regional affairs consulting and providing services.Big function.Only in this way can the district council be avoided by the regional councils to repeat the "political" and "extremes".The Basic Law stipulates that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region implements administrative leadership and the reform of the district council must reflect this principle.

The article describes that the district parliament is equivalent to the government’s "eyes, ears, and hands", which must explain the government's policies to the public, implement relevant policies to the grassroots level, but also reflect to the government to reflect the government to reflect the government.Regional public opinion.Only the district council has become a platform that responds to the demands of citizens and acts in practice, can Hong Kong further consolidate a good situation of good governance and good governance.

The social review of the Hong Kong Commercial Daily states that the future district council composition should be more diversified, which is not limited to the election.Democratic development must have quality, not necessarily "one person, one vote", the most important thing is to find the path that is beneficial to the people.To achieve the goal of improving the people's livelihood, you can consider directly appointing professionals or senior regions to participate in regional political management structure, absorb more patriotic and love Hong Kong wise in the region, fundamentally improve the level of the community's governance, and achieve "five lights and ten colors"., Give full play to the role of auxiliary special zone governments to govern the grassroots level.

The reform plan of the much -watched Hong Kong District Council is about to be introduced.The Li family exceeded Tuesday (April 25) that the district council is not allowed to be reduced to the "Hong Kong independence" platform. In the future, the district council will retain a certain election component, and members will also produce in various ways.Li Jiachao criticized that a large number of district councilors in this district parliament made violations of the functional functions of the district council. The Hong Kong government's review was to "de -political" the district parliament.