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Hong Kong society gradually calmed down after the implementation of the National Security Law in 2020, but Xia Baolong, director of the Hong Kong and Macao Office of the State Council of China, warned that "the undercurrent is still surging, and the root cause of chaos is not eradicated."The cradle of radical students has continued to become one of the focus of the rectification of the Hong Kong government.

The Hong Kong -made school has been dissatisfied with the governance of the Chinese University of Hong Kong since 2019.Three members of the Legislative Council jointly proposed the amendment of the regulations on the Chinese University of Hong Kong, requiring the number of schools from the University of China to reduce the number of schools from 54 to 34, and the ratio of the number of people in the school and outside schools from 1 to 1 to 1:Essence

After the board of directors of the Central University, a specialized group was established to follow up, and a report was submitted last Monday (April 17).Between 1.64 and 1 to 2.13, the majority of off -campus members account for the majority of the school board.

Lingnan University also plans to reform the school board

In addition to the Chinese University, Lingnan University in Hong Kong also plans to reform the school board.Liu Zhipeng, a member of the Legislative Council of Lingnan University Associate Vice President, proposed a draft in the Legislative Council last Tuesday (April 18), requesting the cancellation of the president of the Student Union as the school director, re -appointed by the undergraduate students, and adding postgraduate representativesEssence

Zheng Guohan, president of Lingnan University, who attended the Legislative Council meeting on the same day, believes that the student representatives elected under the new system are more representative.

He said that due to the epidemic and the 2019 social movement, the members of the Ling University students did not fully absorb the students, and the number of members was seriously insufficient. They questioned whether the role of the student union could continue to become a bridge between students and the school.

As for the student representatives of the school director in the future, whether the qualifications to be elected will join the "patriotic love Hong Kong and love school" request.There is no market in chaos, and students are actually clear. "

After another university in Hong Kong, the Student Union of the Baptist University since "Banzhuang" (unattended) in 2020, the new officer named "Cangyu" took office in April this year.However, the School of Baptist issued a statement on April 17, saying that in early April, a complaint on the political platform, annual planning and fiscal budget of the "Cang" was received. After investigation, the complaint was established.The description of past events, exaggeration, lack of facts and bias, does not meet the standards and values of society. "The school will discipline the board of directors.

Data show that "Cangxuan" has repeatedly issued controversial remarks earlier, including the declaration of office claiming that "the oppression has never stopped or weakened", and also said to "unite the same passersby" and "fight for the realization of the common vision".etc.

The statement of the Baoda School did not mention what discipline will take the students' union.After the "Cangyu", one of the punishments was disclosed in social media that one of the punishments was to prohibit the Student Union's Director, Two Deputy Director and Secretary. A total of four officers participated in student organizations including student unions.More than a year.


Leakage College Student Association said that according to the Hong Kong Baptist University Student Conference, if the director and the two deputy chiefs were short of at the same time, or the members of the council were less than five, they must automatically dissolve.In other words, the punishment of the four officers such as the Student Union's chairman of the Pragloon University is equivalent to making the council of the seven members of the current members automatically dissolved.

The university students will regret the school's decision, urge the school to recover relevant decisions and respect student autonomy; and call on students to continue to pay attention to the development of the situation and support the follow -up operation of the Student Union.

Chen Weiqiang, a lecturer of Hong Kong University of Technology Hong Kong Specialty College, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that after the Hong Kong National Security Law took effect in 2020, the opposition is not as good as before, but the Hong Kong government continues to rectify colleges and universities.Because one of the fires of the anti -repair storm in 2019 is from colleges and universities.As Hong Kong universities have always emphasized autonomy, the school's policy is mostly determined by the school's board of directors, and the official believes that it is necessary to reform the board of directors of the school.

According to Chen Weiqiang's observation, most of the teachers and students of Hong Kong at present are still supporters of democratic schools, but they tend to be low -key and do not easily show their political stance.Therefore, the Hong Kong government has always been very nervous, and college students will involve a little aggressive operation.

He believes that the Hong Kong government's strengthening management of universities will lose a group of outstanding scholars in the long run, but there is no way to undergo the current global political situation."Sino -US relations are tight, and the United States has also strengthened the supervision of Chinese scholars. As part of China, Hong Kong also needs to do a good job of national security at universities."