(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) In the five years from 2018 to 2022, a total of 25 teachers in Hong Kong were disqualified from registered teachers for criminal crimes.

According to Sing Tao Daily, the Director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau Cai Ruolian on Wednesday (March 29) also pointed out during the response to the Legislative Council that two other teachers received condemnation letters during these five years, and 56 teachers received warning letters, Two teachers received persuasion, 14 teachers were verbally prompt or recorded in the case for the incident.

Cai Ruolian said that if the Education Bureau confirms that teachers have violated serious crimes, lost virtue or professionalism, they will cancel their registered teachers.Once the teacher registered qualifications are canceled, relevant persons shall not teach any school, including tuition schools, nor can they enter or stay in any school to ensure students.

She also pointed out that even if some cases have not been convicted, if the teacher confirms that teachers have lost virtue or violated professional ethics, they will also consider serious treatment.

Ming Pao reported earlier that the relevant documents of the Hong Kong Education Bureau showed that 21 teachers in Hong Kong were canceled by the Education Bureau last year, which was doubled year -on -year.

Shi Junhui, deputy director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, explained that the number of people registered with teachers in Hong Kong last year increased significantly. One reason was that the relevant teachers only completed the legal procedures including the appeal last year. HoweverThe "Black Storm" incident in 2019 also involves crimes related to sex, crimes such as sexual abuse or theft, and exchanges with students who transcend teachers and students.