Mei Rui Rurui, the Consul General of the United States in Hong Kong and Macao, mentioned in a seminar that the Standing Committee of the Chinese People's Congress will be interpreted on the National Security Law of Hong Kong last month, or it will harm Hong Kong judicial independence.In this regard, the Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong reprimanded the US Consular Consul in Hong Kong and Macau, and blatantly misunderstood the rule of law and freedom of Hong Kong, and was telling the other party to put away the political performance of "human rights guards" to stop taking their humiliation.

According to Ming Pao, Gregory May, the Consul General in Hong Kong and Macau, took office for four months in Hong Kong.) Hosted the Hong Kong Economic Prospects Seminar and delivered a video speech.

He mentioned in his speech that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China will expand the power of Hong Kong's administrative officials and lack the supervision of judicial institutions on the Hong Kong National Security Law on the National Security Law of Hong Kong last month, which may further destroy Hong Kong judicial independence.

Mei Ruui said that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law or affects the operation of Hong Kong companies and their employees, and reminds Beijing's actions to cause Hong Kong talent loss and affect the Hong Kong international financial center.

He also questioned that "many Hong Kong people" did not agree with Li Zhiying, the founder of One Media Li Zhiying and the treatment of the defendant involved in the violation of the Hong Kong National Security Law.Hong Kong High Autonomy ".

According to the official website of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong, the spokesman of the China Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Hong Kong issued a message on Thursday (26th) in response to Mei Rurui's remarks.

The spokesman criticized the US Consul General in Hong Kong in the Hong Kong Economic Popularity Seminar held by the US Think Tank to play a problem, publicizing his words, blatantly slandered the rule of law and freedom of Hong Kong, maliciously attacked the Hong Kong National Security Law and the Related Interpretation of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China., Deliberately discredit the business environment of Hong Kong, expressed strong dissatisfaction in this, and severely condemned it.

The spokesman pointed out that the Hong Kong National Security Law is aimed at the "non -defense" problem of maintaining national security in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.Since the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, the status of Hong Kong's international finance, trade, and shipping centers has been consolidated, and the highly open and first -class business environment has been improved. In 2022, Hong Kong was re -rated the world's most free economy.Hong Kong's rule of law is as firm as a rock, ranking among the top in the world in the global rule of law rankings.Hong Kong's freedom of pressing in Hong Kong has achieved better protection in the environment of security, stability, and rule of law, and the number of international media and reporters in Hong Kong has not increased.In fact, the Hong Kong National Security Law protects Guoan, Baojia'an, and the hearts of the people has become the "guardian god" of Hong Kong's prosperity and stability.

The spokesman said that the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress of China recently explained the relevant terms of the Hong Kong National Security Law, clarified the original legislation, further improved the implementation mechanism of the SAR's maintenance of national security, and encounteredThe actual problems are clearly standardized and the paths and paths are clearly standardized, and they are completely welcomed and supported by all sectors of the SAR society.

The spokesman emphasized that the hypocritical face of the American "democratic lighthouse" and "human rights guards" has long been seen through the world and is cast aside by the world."" ".As a senior diplomat who sent Hong Kong to Hong Kong, Mei Ruui did the same as "eating and smashing the pot". It turned out to be disappeared about the current good situation of Haiyan Heqing, Hong Kong.The principles and the basic criteria of international relations are wantonly trampled on, constantly slandering the rule of law and freedom of Hong Kong, cheering for anti -China -China -Hong Kong elements, and singing the prospects of Hong Kong's development.Facts hit their faces fiercely, and they were shameful again.

A spokesman reiterated that Hong Kong, as a super contact person in China Unicom China and the world, should become a "hot soil" for friendly cooperation between China and countries, and should not become a "position" for the implementation of the "New Cold War".In the face of the irreversible historical torrent of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation, any words and deeds that block the process of preventing the governance and Xingxing of Hong Kong are car.China has urged relevant US officials to forget the admission to the past.Holding the badly penetrating script, no matter how you play, you will only expose his short and humiliate.