After the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China in November last year, the comprehensive deepening reform meeting emphasized the improvement of the state -owned capital business budget system, the State Council issued documents and announced the specific content of further refining and improving the budget system of state -owned capital operations.

According to the China Government Network, the State Council of the State Council of China issued the opinions on further improving the budget system of state -owned capital management, and clarified to the end of the "14th Five -Year Plan".Powerful state -owned capital operation budget system.

The opinions are clear, expanding the coverage of state -owned capital operation budgets.Enterprises authorized by government (departments) such as government (departments), etc., shall pay capital revenue in accordance with regulations.State -owned capital returns include profit -making profits, state -owned controlled and shareholding enterprises state -owned stock dividend dividends, state -owned property rights transfer income, corporate liquidation income, etc.

At the same time, the opinions proposed that the benefits of national wholly -owned enterprises and wholly state -owned companies have been imposed.After the net profit attributable to the owner of the parent company of the parent company, the wholly -owned enterprise and the state -owned wholly -owned enterprise and the wholly state -owned enterprise will calculate the income based on the legal provident fund that has not made up losses and withdrawn in the previous year without making up losses and withdrawals.

Opinions also mentioned the optimized expenditure structure. State -owned capital operating budget arrangements should focus on key areas and weak links, enhance the financial guarantee for major national strategic tasks, strengthen capital injectionThe leading role of industrial development.

In terms of expenditure management, opinions point out that we must strengthen the expenditure budget review and management, adhere to the policy orientation, distinguish the scientificity, effectiveness and accuracy of the use of funds.Strict budget constraints are strictly prohibited from super budget or no budget arrangements.

The Ministry of Finance of China shows that in 2022, the national capital operating budget revenue was 568.86 billion yuan (RMB, S $ 106.58 billion), and expenditure was 339.532 billion yuan.