Bloomberg News reported on Sunday (December 17) that in 2024, most Wall Street Banks are still optimistic about the Chinese stock market, although many banks have lowered expectations, and it is expected that the MSCI China index will only have a single digit increase.

As China has increased its stimulus policies to the real estate market and injects funds into more economic fields, the market will once again ignite a better hope for the situation in 2024.However, the report said that the market's expectations this year are much lower than last year.

At the end of last year, the US Investment Bank Goldman Sachs Group, Morgan Chase and Morgan Stanley predicted that with Beijing's abolishment of strict epidemic control measures, the annual increase of the MSCI index was at least 10%.The MSCI China Index (MSCI China Index) is an index that tracks the performance of Chinese concept stocks by Morgan Stanley.

However, the performance of the Chinese stock market has not reached expectations.Although the US, Japan and Indian stock markets have risen this year, the Chinese stock market has been weak. This month, a record for fifth consecutive months may have flowed out of foreign investment.

It is reported that Wall Street ’s optimistic emotions for the Chinese stock market this year may be dueWill.

Later, I saw that many Chinese institutions began to make adjustments.Morgan Chase first lowered China's economic growth forecast in 2023; Morgan Stanley adjusted Chinese stocks from Over Weight to "Equal Weight" in August this year.

However, the report pointed out that although many banks have lowered expectations, and it is expected that the MSCI China index will only have a single digit increase, most Wall Street banks are still optimistic about the Chinese stock market.

Reported that their point of view looks very similar to last year, further policy support, improvement of profitability, and low valuation.

The MSCI China Index has recorded the first rising for four months when the global stock market soared in November. Analysts of JPMorgan Chase said that under the support of loose support, it is expected that "relieving sexual rebound" will continue until 2024 until 2024At the beginning of the year.