China Live Sales Platform Oriental Selection has ended in the storm, and Luo Yonghao, a well -known technology entrepreneur, criticized Eastern selection, saying it was "the company that bullied young people."

Luo Yonghao posted on Saturday (December 16) on his personal Weibo account that the East selection wanted to "go to Donghua".Guarantee, "it is also necessary to be insulted by the little man's idiots."

Luo Yonghao believes that according to the objective facts and laws of the highly concentrated headalization of live e -commerce companies, Dong Yuhui's revenue in the East selection is relatively fair.

He criticized the East's selection, saying that it was "the most unfair, most absurd, and most bullying young people after the birth of the live broadcast e -commerce in China, and it is unique to the extent."

The China Live Sales Sales Platform in the "Little Composition" storm was announced on Saturday to eliminate the position of the company's executive director and CEO (CEO) Sun Dongxu.Part of the CEO, take effect on the same day.That night, Yu Minhong, the protagonist of the storm, and the net red anchor Dong Yuhui together in Yu Minhong's Douyin live broadcast room, explaining the recent public opinion storm to netizens.

The source of the "small composition" storm is the source of the storm. It is the propaganda copy that Dong Yuhui reads on December 5 was not only completed by Dong Yuhui.Againing with the company editor.During the fermentation of the incident, the then CEO Sun Dongxu said on December 12 that Dong Yuhui was affected and not broadcasting, "a little is not proper", and said that the company did not treat Dong Yuhui.Part of it.

This response has completely made the internal cricket selected by the East.Some netizens believe that Sun Dongxu spoke and fell on his mobile phone, his attitude was arrogant and unprofessional, and revealed that he was also dissatisfied with Dong Yuhui and his fans. Dong Yuhui was the main drainter of the East as the East. He was a political victim of the office.